Double trouble

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Goku was getting ready, reading about pregnancy because he was in eight and half month. Vegeta bring him frapè in their room and kiss his stomach.

"You feel them?" Goku asked holding Vegeta's hand on his stomach. Vegeta nodded when he feel babies moving.

"Ouch!" Goku screamed.

"Everything's okay?" Vegeta asked.

"Yeah. I just felt something." he say.

"Just ten days. Can you believe it Kakarot?" Vegeta said hugging his love.

"It would be better if I wouldn't get fatter every day." Goku said.

"Just a little more and you'll be like the first day." Vegeta said comforting him in his arms.

"I hope so." Goku said content but he feel slow pain again, "And I hope that they don't want to come out before it's time." Goku continue.

"I'm worried now. Maybe we should go to hospital." Vegeta said.

"No need, really. I'm so fine now." Goku assured him.

"We shouldn't risk. Let's go!" Vegeta said and take Goku's hand.

In hospital

"He begin birth." doctor said.

"No, but there's still ten days. I'm not ready right now." Goku started panic.

"Babies aren't asking you." Vegeta said.

"Okay mister, when you see contractions on monitor, tell your partner than he need to push, 'kay?" Vegeta nodded and hold Goku's hand.
"Now." Vegeta said.

"Push!" doctor said and Goku did. It hurt but not like when he was fighting. It was different.

"Now!" Vegeta said again and Goku hold him tight that it hurt a little bit.

It was like that last two hours. Just now Goku was breathing deep and he was sweating. Vegeta put linings on his forehead.

"I can no longer." Goku said.

"C'mon honey. It's almost over." Vegeta supported him.

"I see baby's head." doctor said.

"C'mon! Now! Push!" Vegeta said and he did.

And in a hour they hold two little babies in their bosom.

"They are beautiful. Look they have your smile." Goku said.

Then Vegeta smiled, "And your beautiful eyes." he said.

Vegeta hold baby boy and Goku baby girl.

Bulma comes in moment when they call her and she was angry that they didn't call her before. She brings Gohan, Goten, Tranks and Bulla and photograph all of them.

"Daddy, what is the name of them?" Bulla asked.

"We don't know yet." Vegeta said.

"His name can be Allolia." Bulla said.

"Honey, Alolia don't even sound like name." Vegeta said.

"Not Alolia, but Alolia. He is flom one caltoon." Bulla said.

"She's probably thinking of Alloria from Boxy." Goten said.

"Alloria doesn't sound bad." both guys said in the same time. Then both laugh.

"One name we have, now girl." Vegeta said.

"What about Eli?" Goku said.

"It's cute, but to short." Vegeta said.

"Elophea." Goku said looking at baby girl.

"Yes. Great." Vegeta said.

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