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What are/is your nick name(s)?

Drake: Drake-y.

Garth: DA, Thing 1, Troublemaker

Maxi: Thing 2, Max, Mixa (Which I hate)

Rollan: Rollie, Silence, Sixth Unknown Presence

Seth: Sethie, Sethers

Whit: Whit, Whitty, Whitster, Whirt, Whitfield, Whitmister, Mr. Security Guard, Dork, *blushes* Whitty-poo-mow-moo.... Ahem, Voice Cracker, Charms, Cheerios (that's a back story), Tiger

What are/is the purpose behind your nickname(s)?

Drake-y - I'm just called that when I'm not grouchy.

DA - Cuz I am a dumb as-
Thing 1 - I'm called that because of Cat in the Hat's things and I was 1, Maxi was 2.
Troublemaker - Because I am one!

Thing 2 - Same as Garth.
Max - When people are too lazy to add the 'i'.
Mixa - Because Garth thought it would be funny to use.

Rollie - An old friend called me that.
Silence - I never talked
Sixth Unknown Presence - Because I was never really noticed

Seth: Both are old school nicknames

Whit - I prefer that over Whitford, my given name.
Whitty - I was called that when I was drunk, or whenever
Whitster - Drake called me that once
Whirt - Garth and Maxi called me that
Whitfield - Garth decided to call me that.
Whitmister - A name Seth calls me.
Mr. Security Guard - The kids called me that when I used to work day shift
Dork - Because I was called that by a co-worker.

Whitty-poo-mow-moo - Grandma calls me that.
Voice Cracker -  I voice always cracks
Charms - Because I was charmer
Cheerios - I'll save that for the end!
Tiger - Because I used to flirt a fair bit, but not so much anymore.
Okay, so Cheerios. Uhh... I was eating breakfast with Drake when we were younger, and he told me this really funny joke, well, that I found funny, and I began laughing so hard, I accidentally spilled my Cheerios on myself and Drake thought it was halrious.

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