Wait a Minute...Drake!?

20 1 0

Whisty- Fem!Whit


Garth: Hey Maxi, so I was just wondering...

Maxi: Yes?

Garth: Have you seen Drake and Whisty?

Maxi: No, why?

Garth: Just wondering...

Seth: I have! When I was going with Rollan for a walk!

Rollan: *nods*

Garth: Oh, good!

Seth: Are they dating?

Maxi und Garth: *spits out water and chokes* Dating!? Drake is dating someone!?

Seth: ?? What??

Rollan: They can't believe your news, sir.

Seth: But are they, though!? I don't know if they are!

*room silences*

Drake: *laughing*

Whisty: *telling Drake something really funny*

Everyone else: *stare at each other*

Drake: *holding Whisty's hand as they are walking*

Whisty: *leaning against Drake with a satisfied sigh*

Garth: *can not believe his eyes*

Maxi: *giggling*

Seth: *beaming*

Rollan: *poker face*

Whisty: *stops Drake and faces him, standing on her tip-toes*

Drake: *puts hands on Whisty's hips and leans forwards a bit*

Whisty: *wraps arms around Drake's neck and kisses him*

Everyone(except Drake, Whisty and Rollan): *jaw drop*

Drake: *smiles* love you

Whisty: *smiles back* love you too, my Drake-y!

Drake: *face goes red*

Garth: *ruins it by passing out with a squeal*

Drake und Whisty: *whips around to see the four*

Drake: *looks like he crapped himself*

Seth: *laughing at reaction*

Maxi: *laughing at her brother*

Rollan: *poker face*

Whisty: H-How...long have...you guys...b-been there?

Seth und Maxi: *cant stop laughing*

Rollan: Aye, for a while, ma'am. We do not mean no harm, especially me--for I was dragged here.

Seth: *flops on floor* YOUR FACES!

Rollan: *disapproved sigh*

Drake: *grabs Whisty's hand and runs off with her away from the others*




nyoom! Hoped you enjoyed!

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