Swear Jar!

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Hey y'all I bought a swear jar so if you guys swear, pay up! *swishes jar in hand with two quarters*

Garth: Who's quarters are those!

Drake: F*king a*holes! Get back here you **** **** **** ****!

*whistling casually*

Drake: *walks by and stuffs ten dollars in the jar with an angry look on his face*

I swear I'm gonna be rich by the end of this shift!


Maxi: Whit, you'll have to pay to, ya know.

Whit: Aw, hell nah.

Whit. That is a swear. Put in a quarter.

Whit: Jeez you people *puts in the coin*

Drake: *stubs toe* OW F*CK


Drake: Yeah, yeah. *puts money in and walks off* I'm going shopping for the dorm because some a--jerks are everything in the dorm!


Whit: Someone should go with him

Rollan: I will

Seth: Can I?

Go ahead

Rollan and Seth run after Drake


Drake: F*king a*holes! I'm not gay! Rollan isn't my f*king partner and Setg isn't my g*dd*amned son! F*CK!

*le swish of le jar with le sneaky smirk*

Drake: *stalks by and puts thirty dollars in*

Oh ho ho....

Drake: *scowls in Spanish*

*next day*

*checks jar* Aw darn! *happy* I'm rich! *has one hundred dollar bill with two twenties, one thirty, four tens, and a bunch of coins*

FNaF Guard OC StuffTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon