Sorcerer's Stone

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Q: How old was Nicholas Flamel?

A: 675


Q: Did Nicholas Flamel die?

A: Yes; there was no more Elixir of Life.


Q: What is the vault number that the Sorcerer's Stone was in at Gringotts?

A: 713


Q: Since Harry's scar hurts when he's near Voldemort and Voldemort is part of Quirrel, why doesn't Harry's scar hurt when he first meets Quirrel in Diagon Alley?

A: Harry's scar doesn't hurt when Voldemort's near him; it hurts when Voldemort feels strong emotions, such as when a servant has failed him. Harry can feel his anger and disappointment.


Q: Who gave Harry his Nimbus 2000?

A: Professor McGonagall saw his unbeatable talent and made an exception to the rule of no first years on the Quidditch team.


Q: Who gave Harry the Invisibility Cloak?

A: Professor Dumbledore. He borrowed it from Harry's dad and still had it when James died.


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