Chapter 1

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It all started sometime in the beginning of December at about 2 in the morning.

I had tried to sleep but I kept tossing and turning. And it wasn't like I had someone to talk to either. All the boys were still asleep and Management wouldn't let us go outside because "It's too cold and you could catch a cold."

I had already phoned in room service for a nice mug of hot chocolate to compensate for my decreasing body heat while I stared at the TV screen in front of me. It  was on, of course, but I didn't understand what was being said so I grabbed my phone instead.

I put in my pin and headed onto twitter.

You see, the boys and I had decided  to make fake fan accounts back during the X-Factor days. We had heard of what other people went through and we refused to be lied to like that. It was the one thing we promised to never get rid of.

I scrolled through and then decided to tweet something about loving winter and other girly things from the account. You know, like how pretty the snowflakes are in your hair. Or the way the light manages to sparkle off the white on the ground like you were walking in your own version of heaven. Shit like that.

But that was when I stumbled on it. 

I swear it wasn't meant to go this far but I tripped and fell into a whole new world.

I had already heard so much about it but Management said that it was a joke. They said not to worry. That they would take care  of it. And so I didn't.

But just this once, I wanted to know what was going on. I wanted to break the rules. I wanted to disobey them just this once, so I typed in:    Larry Stylinson

I looked through every picture available and almost laughed.

Louis and I weren't in love!

We were just friends.

We were affectionate friends, but friends nevertheless.

And then I was sucked into the black hole. There was an account dedicated to fan fictions.

They tweeted multiple links to this thing called Wattpad, that I signed up for. 

I remember vowing to never read a fan fiction every in my life but there I was scrolling through the stories and reading the summaries.

People had made stories of how Louis and I had to hide from Management and the world, it was ridiculous but I clicked on a title just to check it out.

Before I could read a word, there was a knock on my door and I went to go look through the little hole in the door after I fumbled with my phone, trying to hide it underneath my pillow in embarrassment.

I sighed, thankfully.

Room service.

I opened the door and smiled politely as the  man wheeled the cart inside the room.

He set up a pot and a mug on the little table near the door and then took out a packet of hot chocolate.

"If you want make more," he said in a thick accent. And then he pulled out an already made mug from the cart.

I said thank you and handed him a couple bills.

He nodded politely and wheeled the cart back out.

I took the mug back to bed, grabbed my phone from its hiding place and then laid down again.

I started reading through the story.

After finishing, I read another and another and another. 

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