Arc 1, Chapter 25

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The Return

Umbra was quickly aware of two things: the fact that it was really dark outside, and that his yard felt wonderful on his face.

Pulling himself to his knees, Umbra tried to quell the nausea that surged through his body. His ears were still ringing, but it wasn't quite as bad as the previous time he had ventured across the barriers of separate dimensions.

Predictably, Victor was still out cold, curled up at Umbra's side and sleeping like a baby. Several inches away, Aunora and Esper laid cuddled together, Aunora's arm strung protectively over Esper.

Umbra sighed, staring up above him. The moon was suspended high in the sky, adding a silvery tint to the yellowish light generated by the streetlights that were located every several yards. He and his companions seemed to be the only ones outside in the sleepy suburb, as everyone else was probably asleep or lounging in their houses.

"Esper, Aunora, wake up." Umbra murmured, touching the demon horse and nature spirit on the side.

Aunora's eyes fluttered and she slowly raised up, rubbing her forehead. She gaped at the city on the horizon, the artificial light and the sky-scrapers reflecting in her eyes.

"Where are we?" Aunora said breathlessly, glancing at Umbra.

Umbra smiled at her mystified expression. "Alcorith, Michigan. Well, at least the outskirts of it."

"I thought I knew this place!" Aunora exclaimed, hitting her fist against her palm. "I came when I was training. It's a pretty nice place."

Umbra stood up, dusting off his dirt-caked dress pants. "Come on, get inside," he murmured, gesturing at the distinctly old looking house before them. "I don't want to neighbors to think I'm any more strange than they already do." Umbra added bitterly as Aunora shook Esper awake.

Umbra fished through the black bag strung over his back, pulling out his house keys. He knelt down next to Victor, lifting the sleeping child onto his shoulders.

Umbra stepped onto his front porch, Aunora and Esper cautiously following him. With a click of the tumblers, the door was unlocked, and Umbra threw it open.

Inside, the house was dark, as Umbra had been meticulous in making sure all the lights had been turned off before he and Victor left. The sweet smells of Umbra's homemade brunch still lingered in the air, like an aromatic welcome mat beckoning him foreward into his home.

Umbra flipped on the light switch that was near the door, illuminating the kitchen and part of the connecting living room. He took off his shoes, setting them neatly by the door. He then moved to the fridge, pulling out a bottle of water and cracking open the top. He took several long, thirsty sips, the cold water sending a flood of relief down his dry throat. Before Umbra even realized it, he had gulped down half the bottle.

"Hey, dude." Aunora said curtly, prodding him in the side with her finger.

"Yes?" Umbra said, turning around and glaring at the girl.
"Now that we're not under the threat of shirtless snake people killing us, can you please explain what the crap is going on?" Aunora gestured at the fresh tattoos on her wrists. "And where I got this? Last time I checked, I didn't have any ink."

Umbra groaned, running his hands down his face. As much as he would have loved to soak for hours in the bathtub or curl up under his blanket, he did owe Aunora a clarification for what happened while she was temporarily dead.

"Let me go put Victor in the bed first." Umbra murmured, tossing the now-empty bottle of water in the trash can. "While I'm doing that, just sit on the couch or something. I'm assuming you guys are tired, correct?"

Aunora and Esper nodded, the demon horse stretching out her arms.

"But before you do that," Umbra said sharply, eye twitching. "Take off your shoes and put them at the door. And try not to get any filth on my couch, either."

Aunora shrugged, throwing off her shoes and flopping onto the cream-colored leather couch with a groan. "Can't promise you that, Cupcake. I haven't showered in, like, weeks." She kicked up her feet on the arm rest. "I'm pretty rank." Esper followed suit, kindly pulling off his shoes and placing them next to Umbra's. He crouched on the floor under Aunora, hands sitting politely in his lap.

"One more thing, Aunora- my name is Umbra. Umbra Mortis." Umbra hissed, rolling his eyes and stomping up the carpet-covered stairwell.

Reaching the second floor, Umbra traveled past the bathroom and linen closet, stopping at his and Victor's bedroom. He quickly entered, turning on the light and throwing down the black bag on his back.

Their bedroom was simple, with a queen-sized bed in the center against wall and a desk in the corner, where Victor preformed his studies.

Sighing with weariness, Umbra pulled back the covers on the bed, laying Victor down.

Though he never considered his son a burden in any sense of the term, carrying the boy this frequently on his shoulders had caused a troublesome pain to lurk in his upper back, draining his energy. Umbra was glad to finally have the eighty-five pounds of deadweight off his shoulders, as much as he hated to admit it.

Umbra carefully pulled off Victor's sweat and dirt stained clothing, replacing them with his clean pajamas. He rolled the bedsheets back up, covering Victor to his chin.

"Goodnight, dear." Umbra whispered, kissing Victor softly on the forehead.

I hope you wake up soon...He added mentally, eyebrows knitting. He had no idea how draining the spell was, or any predictions on how long Victor would be out for. All he knew was that Victor was still breathing, and Umbra would just have to be content with that for now.

Leaving Victor's side, Umbra shuffled through the black bag he had tossed at the end of the bed. He pulled out his phone, clicking a button on the side to unlock it.

Instead of being greeting with the soft, fluorescent glow of the screen and his wallpaper, a red image of an empty battery blinked in front of him.

"Dead? I guess searching for service in the naga's world drained the power from it. I knew I should have bought that interdimensional coverage plan..." Umbra muttered, laying it on the wireless charging panel. Immediately, the charging process began, and the red battery turned a pleasant white color.

Umbra knelt down before his dresser, pulling out a long sleep shirt and fleece pants. He hastily stripped off, assembling his ripped, filthy clothing in a neat pile along with Victor's outfit.

Putting on the clean garments, Umbra made his way downstairs to face Aunora.

Author's Note- There's probably like one more chapter left, maybe two. Thank you for sticking with this story for so long!

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