My Accidental NFL Boyfriend; Chapter 4

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            I remember one time my Mom decided it would be the greatest idea for Caleb to drive me to school during sophomore year. I didn’t say one word, because I didn’t know what to say, nor did I have the heart to break my mom’s spirit. So I toughed it out, with the awkward conversations and blaring rap music in his huge hummer.

            When I had gotten in his car that one day, a scarring moment happened to me. I was wearing white jeans and a plain black v-neck and my hair had been tied up. My stomach was cramping up so badly I was leaning against the window, my breath steaming the glass. Caleb had looked over at me curiously,

            “Are you okay, Jay?”

            He had always been so kind until we had gotten out of the car. However I ignored him the whole ride to school. When I had moved to get out of the car, Caleb locked the doors.


            “What the hell!” I cried, pounding on the lock, “I’ll be late to school!”

            “Check your pants.” He blushed embarrassedly, averting his eyes.

            My favorite white jeans had been stained in blood, and Caleb had been the first one to notice.

            I cried as he drove me home.

            This incident was just as embarrassing as it had been 7 years ago. I immediately forgot how drunk I was in a matter of moments. The situation hit me like a brick that was thrown by superman, and then the flash decided to give it an extra kick just to break my face. I had let go everything I had kept in my stomach since breakfast on Caleb’s NFL jersey, a jersey that probably was my whole salary in a month.

            “Oh my god,” Vivian squeals, “GROSS! JAYLA!”

            Tears poured down my red cheeks, but Caleb didn’t let me go. I was engulfed in his warm arms; he didn’t seem to mind, or notice, that he was also covered in my throw up. He moved my hair out of my mouth gently, his eyes searching my face worriedly.

            “You girls go ahead,” Caleb says, “I’ll take her home. My car is here.”

            “Are you sure? She’s a wreck,” Kelsey warns, “She gets horrible car sickness when she’s drunk…”

            “Don’t worry, I’ll deal with her.”

            “USE PROTECTION,” Kelsey giggles as she gets in the taxi.

            He carries me to his black SUV, opening the door and putting me in like a disobedient child. He buckles me and gets in the driver side.

            “Aren’t you drunk?!” I yelled, “I don’t want to die!”

            “I’m not drunk, and if you feel sick open the window. What’s your address?”

            “I live in New Jersey,” I say ashamedly, “I’m like 45 minutes away from this club…”

            “Doesn’t matter, tell me where.”

            We drive silently for a bit, until he finally slams his hands on the steering wheel, looking at me angrily.

            “What the hell were you thinking back there?”

            “What are you talking about?” I laid my head on the cool glass.

            “I didn’t think you’d get so god damn drunk Jayla. Do you really hate me that much? What happened to you?”

            “Nothing happened except life,” I shrug. “It’s not like a rich boy could understand.”

            “Hell, Jayla. If you needed money, you could’ve gotten it. But no, I don’t hear from you for 5 years. Jayla, do you know how long 5 years is? Do you know how happy I was to see you? To know you were still alive?”

            “Why does it even concern you?” My face turns red from anger, “You RUINED my life. I had no friends, Caleb. Absolutely none. Do you remember one party I was invited too? That’s right, you don’t. Cause you were at every one, and even if I was at one, you’d make it your mission to embarrass me!”

            “That’s not true and you know it.”

            “It isn’t? Wow, I guess I’m crazy.”

            “Jayla, I didn’t mean to hurt you!”

            “Right,” tears threaten to pour out of my dry eyes, “coming from the star athlete to the loner who stayed in the bathroom for her lunch.”

            “Jayla…” Caleb looks at me, pained, “I didn’t know…”

            “That’s right. You didn’t know. You didn’t care to know. You didn’t want to know, much less if you did know, try to fix it. Pull over.” My head spins, bile threatening to spill out again.    

            “No, I refuse to let you go again.”

            “Let me out you bastard!”

            He pulls the car over, and I stumble out, throwing up all over the side of the road. Caleb jumps out of the car, pulling my hair back with his strong hands. How can he be so gentle but so demonic?
            “I’m so sorry Jayla,” he says sadly.

            “I don’t care,” I cough, “Take me home.”

            The rest of the ride was silent.

            Nothing seemed so painful.

HELLO MY BABIES! SOO, this was a little background ish kinda chapter. I hope you understand Jayla’s feelings… however, who can stay away from Caleb for so long….hehehehehehehe      


I’ll find a picture of Caleb/and or Jayla. I was searching all yesterday but nothing fit the picture of Jayla in my head.

THANK YOU FOR MAKING ME UNDER 500 FOR HUMOR, AND 800 FOR ROMANCE! Crying of happiness with my sweet tea right now.

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