My Accidental NFL Boyfriend

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            Have I ever told you how much I hated Caleb?

            Well if not, let me elaborate; his smirk, his muscles, his eyes, his lips, his hair…They all annoyed me. They annoyed me to a point that I couldn’t resist staring at him. I was like a school girl in love with the bad boy in school. I could look, but not touch, I could fantasize, but nothing could be a reality because I was the nerdy girl that would stay in the art building all day. Honestly, I was new to love. I kissed people, but I never liked them: I was a virgin till the tips of my toes. This is what frustrated me. I couldn’t like Caleb. He was too experienced and slept around way too much. I needed a guy who had a middle class job, just like me, and we could struggle together to pay bills; we could laugh at all the right times, have 2 kids and grow old somewhere on the coast of New Jersey. That would be my ideal life.

            However, I was stuck in a car with a cocky football player who was smirking at me as I was strapped to the carseat.

            “This’ll be fun,” he exclaims, “I haven’t gone to the mall with you since freshman year!”

            If going to the mall with me meant I was with my mom, and he was with all his highschool football players, then I guess that counted. It counted when he threw his Auntie Ann’s drink at my face because I didn’t shop at the new Victoria Secret and my mom had left me in the food court for the bathroom.

            “Don’t remind me,” I hiss, “I cried when I walked to my car.”

            “Hahaha, really? My poor baby, I didn’t know.”

            “Shut up and pay attention to the road.”

            When we arrived to the mall, bright headlights and glittering signs greeted us at the entrance. 6 burly, famous NFL players filed behind me as I walked through the door, like they were my ducklings and I was the mother goose. What wimps.

            Heads snap at me, judging me. Why would that tiny white girl be with so many men? Especially when I paled in comparison to their huge frames. I guess they must have thought I was the girlfriend of the mob.

            “CALEB! NATE! BRENDAN!” a loud, shrilly voice squeals just as we pass the first Japanese stand. The smell of delicious fried food greets my nose, and I couldn’t care enough about what that girl was saying. I speed walk over to the Japanese place.

            “What would you like?” a younger man asks me.

            “Chicken. Teriyaki Chicken and white rice.” He types it in the register and looks up, smiling at me.

            “Are you with those men staring daggers at me?”

            “What?” I flip around and see Caleb staring at me with his arms crossed.

            “Oh, don’t mind them they’re stalking me,” I say, shrugging my shoulders. He grins at me again.

            “I guess this means you can give a poor young man your number for charity for making you food and being threatened with those guy’s eyes?”

            “Oh man, you know,” I joke. He smiles again and begins making my food.

            “I feel bad for you,” he admits. “I haven’t seen such a possessive lover.”

            “Possessive lover? HA. Total bull. If he was a lover of mine, I’d go run around the mall in just my bra and panties while my whole body is painted blue.”

            “I have blue body paint at home. This could work.”

            “You’re funny.”

            He hands me my foam container with my rice and chicken and smiles again, “If you need anything else, you know where I’ll be.” He gives me a wink and goes back to the register.

            Caleb stalks over to me as I walk and eat my food, “What was he saying?”

            “None of yooooooooo business.”


            “Can we go shopping now or are you going to throw the food I just bought into my face like old times?”

            The rest of his team walks behind me, “I like her,” one says. He was pretty cute; he had brown hair and brown eyes. His skin was tan and perfect.

            “I’m Alex.”

            “Nathan,” the tallest says; a cold beauty with blonde hair and green eyes.

            “Brendan,” a shorter, stockier one with a nice smile says.

            “Daniel,” another one says, a girl on his arm, his black hair shining in the light.

            “And last but not least,” the last one says, bending down to kiss my hand, “Jacob.”

            I blush at the gesture as Caleb pulls him away, “Keep your hormones to yourself.”

            “Awe, why don’t you share? You usually do!”

            Wait. What.

            “Those don’t count!”

            “Hell yeah they do, we all get a round, remember?” Daniel grins.

            “Not tru—”

            “You really are disgusting, Caleb,” I yell. I don’t even care, let the whole mall hear me. I take a step back as my hand connects to his warm, sexy cheek.


            “You’re gross, don’t touch me.” I wipe my contaminated hand on my sweatpants. “And the rest of you are, too.”

            I speed walk away, leaving them all dumbfounded.

 **feeling nice today and I have an extra 10 minutes before I have to go so...Enjoy!

            I run straight into Victoria Secret. That would be the last place Caleb would search for me.

            Cute bras, underwear, and sleepwear greet me. If only I had more than 20 dollars in my pocket. I was gripping the food I bought so tightly my knuckles turned white; my anger was seeping out from my pores right onto the floor below me.

            I hated this. I hated this feeling. This feeling of loneliness whenever Caleb leaves my side. I didn’t realize until now how much I missed his constant teasing.

            I stand there sifting through underwear absentmindedly, my thoughts only on Caleb. I wonder if what they said was true? Was Caleb really that much of a manwhore? Have I forgotten how much I hated him so quickly after a few sweet words?

            “There you are!” Alex says, grabbing my hips. “Every lonely girl wants cute underwear and bras, right?” He grins, laughing good naturedly, trying to get me to join him.

            “I know this might be hard to believe,” Alex admits, “But I haven’t seen Caleb so flustered in a long while.”

            “Why would he be flustered?”

            “You know, he’s kind of…How do I put it?”

            “Alex, if you don’t tell me I swear to god I’ll tape your balls to a flagpole.”

            “He’s in love with you.”



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