My Accidental NFL Boyfriend

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            What was Caleb talking about?

            He grabs my hand and pulls me onto the sidewalk, staring at me with mixed emotions. First it was sad, and then it was quickly replaced with a fake sort of happiness that terrified me. He drags me toward the car he had parked on the side of the square. Before I could open my mouth, he gets in the car and turns on a sports channel.

            “And…Wow, I can’t believe this,” a newscaster says, “Our great Jets Quarterback Caleb Williams was rejected in the midst of his career?”

            “I heard that too,” a nasally girl voice says, “It’s on all of the magazines since he is the hottest player on the football market right now. And think of this! The girl isn’t that pretty and she has a guy name—Jayla. Wow, add an a to spice up her tomboy nature.”      

            “It is Caleb—she has to be hot,” another girl jokes.

            “True, but I can bet you we could get him—”

            “What is this?” I say quietly.

            “Sports gossip. Four girls with football boyfriends or husbands run the show.”

            “Why are they talking about me?”
            “I decided we don’t have to fake date anymore.”

            “What?” My heart feels like it’s in my throat. Why would he decide this just when I’m beginning to like him? How can I admit that I’ve fallen headfirst right into his arms?
            “It’s ok, I’ll get a different girl that doesn’t know me—I’m sure she’ll date me. I can’t stand making you cry all the time. I’ll get your art in the New York museum as payment.”

            “Stop,” I say, covering my ears.

            “What? Aren’t you happy?”

            “Happy that they’re talking shit about me? That I’m being called ugly on national radio and possibly tv?”

            “It’ll die down I pro—”

            “Caleb, you don’t think.”


            “Who told you that you made me sad?”

            “Well I kind of figu—”

            “Stop the car.”

            “We’re not dating anymore, remember?”

            “But that doesn’t mean I can’t take you home! How will you get home?”

            “Kelsey is on her way,” I lied—well I hoped she was.

            “Are you sure?”

            “Yes, pull over.”

            “Call me when you get home?”

            “Why would I do that? We aren’t friends?”


            He pulls over and I hop out, heavy and rejected. Is he that ignorant? I waved to him as his beautiful car brought his beautiful self back to his beautiful home OK I NEED TO STOP! He’s ugly. His car should be trashed. His body is too muscular it’s freakish. He’s a freak.

            I start dialing Kelsey, but I couldn’t finish the last 8 before I’m crying again. When had I gotten this weak? Without even noticing, I sank to the ground.

            I needed to get him back.

            I start calling him instead of Kelsey.



            “…Jayla? Why are you calling me?”

            “Come back. Kelsey isn’t on her way.” Well, it was mostly the truth. I just needed to talk to him.

            “But I thought we weren’t friends?”


            “In our hometown?”

            “Caleb come back I’m cold.”

            “It was your stupidity to not bring a coat.”


            “I don’t know how to turn the wheel.”

            “Do it.”

            “FINE! I’m too nice to you.”

            “I know.”

            I hang up before I could burst my heart out. Getting out of his car had been absolutely pointless. What was I even trying to prove?
            I knew exactly what I had to do. I had to tell him what I actually felt. I needed to burst it out to him, to tell him what I actually felt.

            The second the car comes into view I lose my resolve.

            I close my eyes and breathe.

            I loved him.

            That was all there was too it.

            He rolls down his window, “Your chariot is here.”

            “I LOVE YOU!” I blurt out. Oh my god, what? I cover my lips swiftly as he stares at me with his eyes wide like a fish. Then he bursts out laughing, “funny joke, get in.”

            I silently open the door and sit down. I had 4 hours of chances to tell him.

ok, this chapter was kind of stupid and a filler. If I get under 50 in romance, I'll post a chapter in CALEBS POV! SO VOTE VOTE VOTE! If not I'll update as always. Next chapter I'm going to really delve into Jayla's complicated feelings--her stubbornness led her to get out of the car and refuse to tell Caleb seriously. Caleb does in fact "love" Jayla...But is it real love or a friendship kind of love..? LETS SEE!


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