Part 34

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A girl dreams of the future
What it holds
She has expectations
She hopes

A boy thinks of the future
What he can do
How to establish his empire
He hopes

They once had a home
He once had a family
She once had children
They once has siblings
Ones they could look up to
The sister who would risk her life
Just to keep her brothers safe
The brother who would die over and over again
Before he see's his family suffer

But they dare not hope
Not anymore

In the war thorn streets
They try to survive
Find their missing family
Look for another home
Dare they hope?

Admist crumbled buildings
They seek shelter
Dreams forgotten
The brilliant glint
That once dorn their eyes
Long forgotten

Wishes for the future
Dies in their mind
To be replaced by hope
Hope to survive the next moment

For them,
Its no longer about planing the future
Its about surviving the present

Families separated
Relatives dead
Alone and lonely
In the midst of thousands
Yet, they feel lost

War for whatever reason
Seems important than their life

Displaced, unsure of what the future holds
Living under fear
Not knowing if the end would come
Before night falls

Like animals
They are treated
Like criminals
They are chased

An end to this madness
Will calm the mind
Bring peace to the soul
Smile to the lips

For all its worth
Let this madness end

I pray the massacre stops
I wish the future is brighter
To give them peace

Another reason to hope
A different reason to dream
Let them hope.

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