8. Tidal Wave of Emotions Pt. 1

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"Ugh! I wish I saw what happened, i'm so, so, sorry I left! I totally forgot that I was supposed to drop you guys off." Trevor sighed, sounding completely disappointed.

"It's fine, don't worry about it. Logan dropped us off anyway." I gave him a warm smile as we walked to the pool. "I'm just happy I was able to go home."

I felt Trevor's eyes continue to look at me, which made slightly uncomfortable. "I'm really sorry Steven put you through that. I swear if I was there I would've helped out too."

I couldn't help but slightly get annoyed once I heard that name, but I still managed to reply. "Well it's done now, and I'd be lying if I said I didn't feel satisfied punching him really hard."

Trevor laughed as he quickly nodded his head. "I wish I was able to see that!"

Trevor and I continued talking, only to notice no one was in the room at all, causing us to worry if there was practice today.

"Where the heck is everyone?" Trevor scrunched his eyebrows up, looking around the room.

While Trevor and I got closer to the locker room, we started to hear what sounded like distant chatter coming from inside.

"But, what you did was wrong, and you owe her an apolo-" As I entered the locker room, Coach Alex's voice immediately cuts off, turning his head onto me.

"Great! Arielle, Trevor, just take a seat anywhere!" Coach Alex waved his hand around the circle of chairs, gesturing for us to sit.

Trevor and I sat together, completely unaware of what was happening. I looked around the circle, my eyes catching Steven who was glaring at me with complete hatred on his face. I just decided to turn away and look at the coach before my mood gets spoiled.

No need to go to the beach when I can just look at his salty ass.

"Okay you guys listen, we're a team right? And what do teams do? They take care of each other, they help each other, and they work together. Teams do not talk smack to each other, teams do not punch each other, and teams don't hate each other." The Coach articulated, raising a finger every time he said an example.

"So, you all must be thinking, why we're all in one big circle." The coach slowly looked around at everyone as he spoke. "Well because, I'm here to discuss the incident that happened at Dalton's pool party yesterday." His voice sounded very stern, causing all of us to listen and focus all our attention on him.

"Arielle, there must be a reason why you punched Steven last night, would you care to explain why?" The Coach turned his head towards me, making me the whole center of attention.

I looked around the circle as my mind started thinking of the words I should say.
I felt all of their eyes weigh upon me, causing my heart to beat insanely fast.

"U-um, I punched him because, b-because he started making offensive accusations about me." I stuttered as I felt sweat drip from my forehead, making me quickly wipe it off as everyone's eyes continued to stare at me.

"And what accusations did Steven make last night?" The Coach slowly asked, looking intently at me.

"T-that I wanted to, that I wanted to.." I mumbled like a freak as I tried my best to complete my sentence.

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