Of Black Crows

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One could not imagine an Atlas without its black crows. Quite ugly beasts if you were to ask our opinion. They look so unmerciful, and they always steal breadcrumbs from those poor pigeons that work so hard to scavenge. You name them the dirty rodents of a city sky, but we quite like pigeons. They move their little heads back and forth as they make each and every little step. Very adorable we must say.

The barbaric black crows of Atlas were incredibly grotesque due to their unusually large size. It was for that reason that they were deemed the guardians of Atlas. Most definitely it was some war-loving group of men that knighted these black crows as such–really, what feminine creature would deem them so? Only a man could see beauty in a crow.

Getting back, you really must stop us if we talk into tangents, we won't take offense. Well, like the bats of old Kai monasteries, the black crows flew and protected the Kai palaces at night. Legend tells that the black crows of Atlas were the reincarnated beings of noble Kai warriors who promised their eternal strength to the Atlantean kings and queens. How horrible a thought to reincarnate into a black crow, quite mad really. What? Don't be foolish. We shall have you know that it's simply not done. The spirit of a crow reincarnates only into a crow.

Anyway, what we are trying to explain is that the crows were in greater number and better found near and around the historical sites that dotted the city-galaxy of Atlas. They were also in and around the gardens and forests that surrounded the Atlantean Royal Towers. It was also said that they possessed a darker quality. They were not only protectors, but also messengers of death.

It was bad luck to spot a black crow on one's wedding day. Unfortunately, we must say that upon our wedding day our cousin, Ita, spotted a black crow. Within a year of our union our husband died. He was a wonderful man. He died of an unusual disease. He was the only man we had known romantically in that lifetime. But we would rather not talk of that or of him. There we are going off topic again. Our mind is so old.

So, where were we? Oh yes, of black crows, I remember. Some said that they, the black crows, could be swayed for they only served a force that was strong. For thousands of years the Kai, long allied to the Atlantean Oracle Kings and Queens, were the greatest power and symbol of truth in the western regions of the Mother–we mean Earth–but in the years of Andromeda they were small in number, and it was rumored that some among them had fallen to the dark. It was said that a few disciples of the Kai Orders had lost their faith in the Oracle Queen's ability to rule. As a result, the citizens of Atlantis began to ask, "Who do the black crows serve?" Although it was unknown at the time, because of the distracting bickering between the members of the seven royal families, the black crows had found a new master. It was in the year thirteen of Andromeda that the power of the Oracle Queen came into question as senators and commoners sought a republic campaigned for by the one named Maniok ... and deceiving was he.

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