Rival Pack

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I was walking to the borders of my pack territory when I smelled something different in the air but I ignored it. I called rival pack into our territory not because I wanted to but because the same rogues threatened both of our packs and I would do anything to make sure my pack is safe. Even if that means kill. I'm Kali Sinclair. I'm first girl Alpha in history and I am proud of that just like my pack is. But no one except my pack doesn't know it. That is how I wanted it to be. They think that my Beta is Alpha of the pack. He is Simon, my best friend. He was with me through everything. He helped me become who I am. I am not innocent girl or shy girl. Nope. Not at all. I am killing machine. That's how they like to call me.

I kill everyone even if it's child if it cross my territory. I am doing everything to protect my pack and to keep our reputation up. I started running my inhuman speed through forest when I heard my Beta in my head.

'Are they here, Simon?' I asked through our mind link. 'Yes,Kal. They are already here. All of them.' He said and made me smirk. 'Perfect.' I said and cut the mind link while I was looking at bunch of werewolves at the borders. I looked at Simon and he bowed his head to me. Everyone looked at him confused and that made me smirk.

Well, it's about time for them to find out. I looked at the biggest guy and guessed that he is the Alpha. He looked at me with something weird in his eyes. I couldn't recognize the emotion in his eyes. It's like I never saw it before.

Then I smelled the air and started to feel much more rage but I calmed myself down. My wolf was howling in joy and wanted to go to him. Our mate but I was completely opossite to her. I wanted to kill him but I knew that right now it's not the time. I looked at Simon and he looked at the girl behind the Alpha with the same eyes. Ooh no.

"Are u kidding me, Simon?" I asked in disbelief. "U couldn't find someone better for mate then the girl from out rival pack?" I asked and he looked at me with apologize in his eyes. He then again bowed his head and I could see confusion in rival's pack's eyes.

"Sorry, Kal. It's not my fault. I didn't choose. It's Moon-" He started to explain to me again the same thing he always do. "Ohh, stop please with these fairy tales. It's not some M.Goddess that choose her to u. It's your brain idiot. Agh, whatever, just go with her into the woods and mark her already and finish with that." I said and looked at the girl while everyone from rival pack looked at us still confusion clear at their faces. Tsk,tsk,tsk.

"It doesn't word like that-" He again started but this time I yelled at him. "SILENCE! I don't want to hear that, am I clear?" I asked and he got scared a bit and bowed his head. He knew that I could kill him right now. "Ok." He said and I then looked again at the rival pack.

"So, where is the person that called us?" Asked Alpha trying to stay calm and I wanted to laugh about how all these people really believe that somewhere outside is someone made just for them. U wish. My wolf is growling inside of me for uderestimating our mate but I couldn't care less. "Right in front of u." I said calmly and Alpha smirked. Wow. How impresing.

"No. I mean. Where is your Alpha." He said and made me smirk at how sexist they all are. "I said right in front of u." I said and they all looked shocked at me and made me smile. "You mean-" He started but stopped because he couldn't find the word he was going to use.

"Yes. I'm the Alpha. " I said with my poker face. He just gasped and then smiled. "U can't be Alpha." He said and made me loud growl. "Wanna bet?" I asked challenging and then Simon looked at me with fear in his eyes. "No.No. Alpha please calm down. U can't kill him remember?" He asked like scared cat. I rolled my eyes and turned around to face him.

"I told u I'm gonna kill my mate." I said in monotone voice and he looked at me in shock. "U mean-" He started to ask but I just nodded my head knowing what he was going to ask me. "How don't u show any effect?" He asked and I smirked at his stupidity.

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