Emotions. Nemeton. Mate. Sister.Strong.

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It was two months ago. Before two months he died. My first love was taken away from me. I was doing my pack work as an Alpha but beside that. Nothing. I smiled at people, at my pack members. If I was in pain that doesn't mean any of them have to see that. They don't need to know that their Alpha is suffering. They don't need to know that because most of them lost someone their in that war.

Ever since then I felt like my heart died with Jordan. I felt like I died with him. He was taken from me and it isn't right. I fell in love with him. He was the first person I ever loved after my pack and family. He was my first love. I even didn't want to accept my mate because of him and yet that bastard took him away from me. I was sitting in my room now.

Thinking about everything I went through and I asked myself what did I do to deserve to God to take Parrish away from me. I even started crying again. I always do when I think too much about it. I heard a knock on my door and I whipped my tears away.

"Come in!" I yelled still siting on my bed. I heard the door open and then close telling me that that person came in. I turned my head to the side just to see Simon siting on the other side of my bed. He looked at me like he wanted to say something but was scared. "Just tell it Simon!" I half yelled at him and he winced .

"Are you okay?" He asked me while I was trying not to burst into tears. "I am. Why wouldn't I be?" I asked while I was fake smiling at him. He sighed. "You know why." He said not wanting to say Jordan's name. "I'm weak." I said while I almost burst into tears. He looked shocked with what I said so he just looked at me questioningly.

"I am. I survived my parents's death, my sister and brother's death and yet I burst into tears because of Jordan's death." I said while crying dramatically. I heard footsteps and I thought Simon is going to leave the bedroom but he didn't. Insteed of doing that he hugged me while I cried even more. I couldn't control my emotions anymore. He whipped my tears and made me look at him.

"Now listen to me,okay? U aren't weak, Kali. U are the strongest person I have ever met. U survived your families death, u are leader to this pack since u were 10 an u are one hell of a good Alpha of this pack. U made this pack strongest in the world. U made sure that nothing is going to harm your pack members. Omega's or not. U were possessed by an evil druid, Darach and when u had back control of your body u made sure to put yourself in coma so u can defeat your dark side once forever. U met Jordan and other hell hound's in hell and made them your friends. U even fell in love with one of them. U came back into your body and survived war inside your mind. U won the war between your pack and pack from person that killed your family. You made revenge come true and killed him. You have lost your first love in that war. U met your mate and yet u didn't want him. U fought against that pull of a mate bond. U deleted your mate's memories so he can go back to his family and forget about u. U are the first person that stood up and fought against fate and M. Goddess. U are first person that made M.Goddess mad and survived. U survived. Even your wolf fought against the mate bond. Even if u act like u have no emotions I know u do. U aren't weak Kali. You know why?" He asked me while I was speachles. I shacked my head not being able to answer.

"Because warriors are strong. And u Kali. U are warrior." He said and smiled at me.

"But u fought mate bond to, so I'm not the first one." I said and he smiled while shacking his head. "No.She was my second chance mate that I met first." He said and shrugged shoulders. I looked in his eyes searching for something. "Do you want to find her?" I asked him and he looked a bit taken back.

"More than anything." He said with sad voice. "Then I will help u." I said and he looked really confused. "How can u help me find my mate?" He asked and looked at me like I was crazy. "You forgot that I am a witch?" I asked him while he still didn't look like he understand me at all.

" How can u help me find her witch or not?" He asked and I smiled. "Do you have memories from your past life with her or do u have thoughts how maybe she will look like?" I asked and he nodded his head while saying that he have memories from past life with her. "Great. Now! Give it to me!" I said in my Alpha tone and he came to me without obeying.

Even if he did want to obey now he couldn't. I put my hands o both sides of his head and said 'memories. Praeterita vita.'. i searched through his mind to try to figure something out. Then I saw her. Half black girl, black long hair and brown hair. She was beautiful. I figured out that she is witch and that she loves white roses. I let go of him and closed the door in his mind so no one can control him. He looked at me and I smiled.

"SO? Did you find anything?" He asked hopefully. I nodded. That girl. She reminded me so much at my sister. Eva. She was just like that. I closed my eyes and started saying words that will help me find her.

'Accipe mihi puellam ad nigroque capillo.' And then I heard voice I thought I will never hear. First I saw the tree. Nemethon. That is the tree to resurecct people from death. What is she doing there? I thought before I heard voice I thought I will never hear again. My sister's voice. I opened my eyes and looked at the room.

"WHERE ARE U?" I half yelled. "Find Nemethon,sister. Find it or it will be too late. I am here. Alone. In some cell. I am weak so I can't talk anymore. "She said and I looked at Simon with teary eyes. "I talked to her." I said and he looked confused not knowing why do I have teary eyes. "Then why are u crying? That's good." He said still not realising. "U don't understand. My sister. She is alive. " I said and smiled.

"What do u mean? Carly is alive?" He asked smiling. "NO. Carly was my best friend. My sister, Eva, she is alive." I said smiling. "That's good to hear. The two of them are together. So where are they? When can we go to them?" He asked smiling.

He just wanted his mate. He didn't know how dangerous Nemeton is. "They are under the Nemeton." I said and he looked confused. "Then we can go to them. Why are u worried?" He asked.

"Nemeton is dangerous. That is the tree that brings people back to life." I said worried sick but this idiot here still didn't know how dangerous it is. "SO we can bring back your brother and parents back to life?" He asked and I smirked knowing that this is going to shock him.

"No. It only brings back people from hell. My sister was dark magic witch and that is how she came back just as your mate." I said and he dropped his smile. "What are we going to do?" He asked and I smiled.

"The same thing we do every time." I said and looked at him. "Save them both." I said and he nodded his head.

"Tomorrow morning we are going." I said when I saw on my clock that it is midnight. He went out of my room like happy little puppy. He was happy for finding his mate but he didn't know one thing.

Nemeton in dangerous for me. For hybrids. It makes us weak. It makes me weak. Tomorrow morning I can possibly die.

I am going to die. I knew that and yet I smiled. I was happy because that meant that I am going to save my sister, Simon's mate and Simon. But me? Me? I am going to die. I knew that and yet I was happy. Because I knew that I am going to be with Jordan and my family leaving my pack to my sister and Simon. They didn't know but I did. They didn't know that they are meant to be together and rule this pack. I saw it.

It was in my vision.

*1530 words*

I hope u like it. Tomorrow I will be writing next part. I know how I want to end this book and after I end this book I will write another book that is related to this one. It's like second part of this book, u get it? It will be about someone's daughter.





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