Do not underestimate me

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Rayna slowly walked through the woods. She was repeating the words that she was about to say. It hurt her to think about doing it but she new that she had to do that and hurt her mate in process in order to stay alive. And survival was everything she cared about. Soon she was standing by the lake where she used to meet her mate. She saw him standing there, waitiong for her and she took a deep breath. This is for the best her wolf told her and she knew that she was right!

"Jared." Rayna called him and he turned around. The smile grew up on his face when he saw his mate and Rayna gulped.

"You said you wanted to talk with me." her mate said and Rayna nodded her head. What she was about to say is going to change her completely.

"I just found out that my family isn't my family. My mother is the legendary Alpha of my pack. Even my name isn't my name. The pack expect me to lead them the way my mother did and I will. But... There is also a prophecy about me. About us." Rayna said and looked at her mate with teary eyes. He looked concerned.

"The prophecy says that I will destroy the supernatural world. And if I stay with my mate it is going to be much worse." Rayna said and Jared looked at her finally understanding.

"I am so sorry. "Rayna said and looked at her broken mate.
"Why are you sorry?" He asked slightly confused.
"I, Rayna Alexandria Sinclair, Alpha of the Black Belt pack reject you, Jared Sam Johnson as my mate." Rayna said and she felt the mate bond break, shatter in pieces as her now ex matehowled in pain. She swore that she will get her pack's name back and the only way she can do it is by being like Kali.

"I am so sorry for I have never never wanted the thing to turn this way." She said and felt herself being pinned on the neares tree. She looked into her mates eyes. They were full of rage. They were red as fire. And that is the moment when it clicked in her head. Jared barred his teeth on her and was going to forcefully mark her until she snapped out of the trance and put her hand in the air and chanted the words in latin.
"You know. My mom was friends with hell hounds. I bet she never thought I will kill one. She must be disappointed in me. But I don't care. Because I never knew her. " she said and took his heart out. She was acting as if she didn't have any emotion. She didn't feel guilty. Not at all. Her pack soon sorrounded her. They were shocked. They did want to bring this side of her but they didn't want her to kill her mate. Her 'parents' came and looked at her terrified. She smirked evily.

"Put his body in the center, in between all of the packs. Let's send them a warning. Because a rightfull Alpha is here. And I shall not have mercy for anyone that cross out border." she said and her pack noddes their heads. Then the braves of them all stood in front of her and studied her face for a while.
"You are just like Kali." He said and Rayna felt rage build inside of her.
"I am nothing like my mother. Kill anyone who crosses the border." she said and left. She kept denying that fact but she was just like her. Merciless. Rayna ran to her pack's home. She went inside and soon after her pack did too. The voice in her head wouldn't stip screaming and readung her thoughts. Elijah Smith was in her head. An original vampire. He kept druvung her nuts and she couldn't do anything about it. Until now. Her adoptive mother hopped that Elijah's brother was in her head, Finn. But she was wrong. Elijah was the only survivor of their family and he was the worst. Acting as a polite man but could kill you in a snap of a second. The pack that lived close to them was going to move on their land for a few months. They were attacked and they have no place to live. They described the attack as something they have never saw. Black shadows were running around and just killing their members. Her pack knew that and they were expecting them. She was in her room now and drawing simbols on the floot with a salt. She had everything she needed to get Elijah out of her head. She sat at the end of a symbol and started chanting words in latin. The spell was strong and big. Her nose started bleeding and her ears too. The wind outside started and everything started shacking. She started shacking too but she didn't give up. She was a fighter after all. Few minutes later she stopped chanting words, wind calmed down. She looked up to see a mad, dressed in a suit while smiling at her.

"I'm Elijah." he said and held out his hand for her to shake. She just watched him and didn't take his hand.
"I know. You were in my head, remember?" she asked and he nodded smiling. With a flick of her wrist the room was clean of any symbols and blood. She sat on her bed and stared at him as he stared at her too.
"So? What are you going to do now?" She felt weird but she had to ask that. She kept looking into his eyes and felt weird sparks go through her.

"I don't know. Do you mind me joining the pack? " He asked her and smiled widely. He didn't have anywhere else to go. He didn't have anyone else. Rayna stared at him for a couple of minutes until nodding her head. Little did she know that she was about to feel exactly what she was running away from. Elijah wasn't about to let go of her that easily. He grow to like black haired girl that had so much problems at her young age. And Rayna grow to like his company. She suddenly heard a knock on her doors.
"Alpha, the Green Stone pack is here."She heard her Beta say and she said that she was coming. She turned around to see Elijah staring at her. He had a weird emotion in his eyes. She couldn't read it but she swire she already saw that expression. She slowly went down the stairs and Elijah followed. Her wolves startes to growl and they were about to attack Elijah. Elijah hissed back and for some reason she liked it. She sliwly put her hand in the air and their heads start to hurt.
"You will not harm him. He is not the treat. " she said and they nodded their heads. She let her hand down and their heads stopped hurting.
"Alpha Damon. Welcome!" she said to the new Alpha and he smirked.

"That's cute. Now tell me where is your Alpha." He said and she smirked.
"You are looking at one." she said and he started laughing. Then he calmed down a bit.
"Okay.Now seriously! Where is your Alpha?" he asked and she yelled.
"I am the Alpha, Damon." she said and Damon growled.

"Call me Alpha Damon. And show me some respect! " he yelled at her and he pack shuddered in fear knowing that in front of them is standing Kali's daughter.
"You are no Alpha of mine! I will show you as kuch respect as you deserve. I am an Alpha of this pack! I decide for how long you stay! You came asking for my help and you dare to ask for my respect?'" she yelled at him and Damon covered in fear and bowed to her and then looked up to see her pack satisfied.

"How come you are the Alpha? The only Female Alpha that ever existed was The Demonic Alpha. " he said and Rayna smiled.
"Kali Sinclair was my mother. But do not underestimate me. For I no longer have any mercy. Hurt anyone in my pack and I will kill you all." she said and Damon nodded his head.
His pack went to their rooms and she felt suspicious. She had every right to. Because little did she know that by letting Damon's pack stay here she will cause her pack much problems.
Elijah was also suspicious. He could bet that he akready met Damon. But it didn't make any sense, because when he met him. It was 500 hundred years ago. And Damon brought destruction to his family. He went then hurriedly to Rayna. He needed to tell her. She needed to know that she can't trust Damon.


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