Break Me Then Tell Me You Love Me - Last Moment

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I am tired of not fitting in. I am tired of looking both ways before crossing. Alright quite frankly things haven't been going easy lately. I am fed up with all the trouble this marriage is causing. My parents are here. I mean literally they have come to watch me be wedded off. Its not that I don't want them here well alright I lied I don't want them here. They make my blood boil. Andy noticed my uneasiness and wrapped his arms around my waist pulling me into his body. I finally made mends with Sophia turns out she liked Zack more than Andy. It was a win win situation. Glad it came out that way though.  

I never have been the one for big events, I have never loved them. Maybe this wedding was becoming to much of a hassle. I wanted to make this short and simple. I know that sounds really stupid but that is all I wanted. I had gotten my wedding dress. It was a before long white almost pale cream color. It was laced with ribbons, bows and lace all around the edges of the strap and bottom. There was a small crystal design painted along the one side of the dress. It went down to the waist line and then began to bunch in little folds giving it a almost belt kind of look. I loved my dress. I had went with Andy and Zack to find it. My shoes were beautiful, they were a metallic silver color with ankle straps that looked almost like ankle bracelets. They crossed a thin line over my toes. There were beautiful gems placed into the plastic holding the line over my toes. 

"Andy please can't we make this any smaller?" I begged, for the millionth time today. 

"We can't Rai you already know that, plus this is what your parents wanted," he looked at me, replying to me for the millionth time today.

 I completely snapped. What my parents wanted? What the fuck are you crazy! I can't cant believe he just fucking said that to my face. I glared at him before stated the harshest thing I could ever say to anyone, 

"You know what Andrew Dennis Biersack, you can fucking go marry my parents how about that? If you honestly want to do what they want."

I turned, walking away from a very pissed off Andy. I didn't care this was my MARRIAGE not my parents. What the fuck did they come here for the in the first place! To mess up the one of most happiest moments in my life. Those assholes. Thanks to them I just said something really  mean to the man I am marrying. I think I must have really pissed him off. I stomped off to our room as soon as I made it into the room I felt my body being jerked backwards.

"Don't fuck with me Rain." he whispered, in my ear pressing my body against the door. "Don't fuck with me I want to marry you I want you to be mine and mine alone. I don't give a shit even if I have to force you."

"FUCK THE HELL OFF ANDY!!" I shouted, angrily at him. What I really wanted to say is, "I wanna be yours forever too Andy. I don't care what you but keep me." Instead however those beautiful words came blasting out. "NOW LET ME GO YOU ASSHOLE!"

He growled in response and slammed my body into the door harder than before. I moaned from both the pleasure and pain. Call me weird but it feels good and strange when he did that. He slammed his lips into mine as hard as he could. I wanted to melt against his touch and his kiss but he was not going to have his way! I refuse to give in so quickly to him. andy became more angry I guess he didn't realize that I was doing this purposely. He was pissed.

"You belong to me Rain." he breathed husky against my lips. "Mine."

"In your dreams Mr. Asshole." I countered, back. "In your damn fucking dreams."

He grabbed my hands pinning them above my head and kissed my neck softly before sinking his teeth into the soft flesh. I yelped in pain watching him pull back with blood on his lips. He gave me this ice glare before pressing his lips back into my neck sucking on the spot he had bitten. I was shocked I never thought he would go this far. 

Break Me Then Tell Me You Love Me [Andy Sixx Love Story]Where stories live. Discover now