Break Me then Tell me You Love Me [AndySixxLoveStory]

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"Ah!" I shouted, as I jolted up from the bed.

I gasped my hand through my hair trying badly to clam my over whelmed mind. No, not that dream again. I cried desperately to my self. I looked down at the pillow it was soaked; the moisture of my tears had flowed into it. I signed to my self before taking a quick glance at the clock and then throwing my covers over to one side. I pulled my self off the bed, as my feet touched the cold ground and I felt some sort of relief breeze through me.



I walked over to the window looking outside of it. I saw the sun setting into the ground I watched it disappear under the night sheets. I crossed my arms over the chest starring out of the window I just couldn't comprehend everything as I wanted to. I closed my eyes, feeling the cool breeze rush past me as lost my self in the air. I felt my body being lifted up by the air as it gently caressed my body.

"So your Rain." whispered, an angelic voice in my ear. Touching the edges of my hips, tracing along my side until they had reached my arms. "I presume."

My body gave out a jump from the persons touch and I span around rather quickly that I lost my balance. I starred into a pair of bluish green eyes almost hazel mix. I felt the persons arms wrap around my waist and hug me close to their body. I slowly looked back up at the person and I gasped. Andy. . . . I thought I was dreaming my mind couldn't understand.

~Flash Back~

"NO!!!" I screamed, tugging on my step fathers grip trying to pull away. "ANDY COME BACK!!!! PLEASE DON'T GO!!!!!!"

I cried endlessly, letting millions of tears escape from my eyes as I reached for the coffin in front of me. I was forcefully held back by my step father who was trying his best to control me. I managed to slip away from him and ran to the coffin hugging it tightly.

"No.. . . Andy .. . No . . . You .. . Promise.. ...never... to leave me...." I huffed out, still panting and crying. "You promised me."

Someone grabbed my arm and pulled me back into the open area away from the coffin as they lowered it slowly into the ground. I watched more tears run down my face and the farther that coffin when into the ground the deeper the wounds became. I closed my eyes and reopened them to see the tomb stone resting on top of a pile of dirt.

Tome Stone: Here lies the beloved Andy West 1992- 2006

I couldn't see or think straight I just starred at the tomb stone the piles of dirt, the dirty shovels resting against the muddy ground. The darkened trees hanging loosely in their branches shadowing the light. I closed my eyes again and reopened them expecting a change but nothing availed. I muttered something to my self and stood up grabbing the shovel from the ground.

I slowly walked away dragging the shovel with me still shaking and barely breathing. .

"Today along side by you vanishes my soul. My one and only beloved."

~End Of Flash Back~

I looked at the person starring deeply into their eyes as I could.

"No. ." I mumbled. "Your not him"

"Not who?" he asked, curiously eyeing me. "I'm And-"

Before he could finish those words my lips were already pressed to his. I was taken by surprise I could tell but he managed to regain his composer and kiss back. He traced my sides until he reached my lower back and tightly fastened his arms around my waist. He wanted me closer trying to close all the gasps in between us.

"ANDY!" yelled, an high pitch girlie voice. "WHAT ON EARTH ARE YOU DOING WITH THAT SLAG!!!"

I pulled away quickly leaning Andy hanging mid way and turn to the person. Oh dear god. I starred at her the girl from before the blonde chick who wanted to kill me. I glanced around the room frantically was this her room! I fell at ease when I saw everything was black and red. The draped where a blood red and the bed sheets were crimson red with black lines outlining the designs on them.

"Sophie, you know damn right that she is my fiancée." he replied, giving me a warm smile almost to a smirk.

"But.." she whimpered. "I love you."

He turned to look at me and then back at Sophie, he mouths some colorful words and picked me up. He tossed me onto the bed and got in top along with me.

"Sophie, from the start you knew I could never love you." he began, stroking my hair. He gave me almost pained look before turning back to her. "I was never yours I was always Rains."


Okay i thought id get some confusions out of the way! during the last chapter she passed out after she met miss blondie here! she was brought to the house by someone [that person has not been introduced to the story yet he will be shortly] There will be a lil more info on Andy West i didnt have a chance to explain who he really is! You wil see and the Andy she met right now is actually Andy Sixx but she thinks its Andy West because their appearance some what meet!

ANananananan ANYWAYS!!! enjoy xoxox

i will update soon



Break Me Then Tell Me You Love Me [Andy Sixx Love Story]Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora