Break Me Then Tell Me You Love Me [AndySixxLoveStory]

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Note: If I seriously dont get any messages I will stop writing. I dont know if people like the story or not its hard for me to tell if you guys do or not. So please message and rate it will help alot while im writing this story. If i dont get messages or rates then i shall just drop the story like the rest of them and forgeta about writing it.

~Unknown Characters Profile~

"You stupid insolence moron!" cried a boy, he had heavy black locks resting on the sides of his face clutching to his pale skin. The water drop running down his skin, his eyes burning deep into the persons eyes. The dark eyeliner covering his eyes making his light blue eyes stand out more on his face. "Watch where you are going!"

~Rain Profile~

I groaned as the light hit my face, the sun rays glaring at my face as I tossed the covers over my face.

"Rain!" someone, screamed from the door way. "Get up now or your going to be late!"

I chucked the covers off my body and looked up at my mother starring at me, I pulled at my sleeves on from my pjs starring at the design on my hands. The bracelets on my wrist were sticking to my skin, I looked at the friendship bracelet that was from my best friend. I huffed out my cheek and let out a scream of frustration. I got up and grabbed by my towel from the bathroom handle. I looked up at the mirror studying my pale face, my eyes were swollen and red from the previous night. Not only were my eyes swollen but my cheeks still were red and puffy.

This was going to take a lot of make up to cover up when I say a lot I mean a lot of make up. I glared at the mirror at my face in hatred why did was I crying over something that was pointless, come to think of I don't remember anything from last night. Its all nothing but a huge blur to me, that was bad because I might have done something. I removed all the clothing from my body and starred looked at my figure, mmm. . . I thought there was nothing out of the ordinary oh shit wait. I looked at my belly button what the fuck where did that come from?

Ah fuck I am going to have to explain that one later, I quickly ran through my morning routines and raced downstairs. Once I came downstairs I saw my parents standing there with angered looked upon their faces. I gave them an emotionless look before swinging my bag over my back and walking off. I got into the car and pushed my bag through the back door of the car, stuffing my self next to my bag. I signed softly before pulling my ipod out of my front pouch. This was going to be harder than I thought.

I was starring out the window as my parents drove out of the drive way, they pulled away from the house. They made a quick left turn towards the airport, this was going to be a long ride. I turned up the volume of my ipod to distract all the noises around me. I just wanted to be lost in my world for a while away from everyone else. I began to listen to "everyones fool" by evanescence's I didn't know if my parents could hear me humming over their music or not. I stayed lost in my music until I actually arrived at the airport.

I started to get out dragging my black and white skull bag along with me out of the car as I made my way to the entrance of the airport. I turned to face my parents taking out headphones that were jammed with in my ears. They both starred at me, I gave them a both a grimace look before turning away from them. I closed my eyes to stop the tears that wanted to come out. I was scared, I know last night I was saying I couldn't wait to get away but at the same times the idea of my parents selling me away scared me.

But then again. . . . . .


PLEASE MESSAGE AND RATE~!!!! i know this is a short chapter but tht was the purpose of it! Rate and Message the chapter will be longer!

an special thanks to bloodyonyxx thanks for commenting and voting.

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