Break Me Then Tell Me You Love Me[AndySixxLoveStory]

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"But.." she whimpered. "I love you."

He turned to look at me and then back at Sophie, he mouths some colorful words and picked me up. He tossed me onto the bed and got in top along with me.

"Sophie, from the start you knew I could never love you." he began, stroking my hair. He gave me almost pained look before turning back to her. "I was never yours I was always Rains."



"Sometimes to fine love we have to cross those obstacles, but what if love was right in front of us? Then what do we do?"

~~Third Person View~~

What was she really doing here? She aimlessly thought to her self as she paced back and forth on thedark red carpet. She didnt wish to be here nor did she ask to be brought here. Wait, that is a lie she wanted to be here. She was the one who packed her bags and got on the plane to come here. She didnt have a choice though she wanted to get away from everything. Andy watched his fiancee pace back and forth in the living room trying to ease her mind. She has just earlier kissed him but she seemed confused as to who he was. She needed answers but surely enough she wouldnt get them any time soon. She closed her eyes and pressed her fingers into her eyelids, signing heavily. These next few days were surely going to be hell.

~~Two Days Later Rains POV~

Its been two days since I met my fiancé. Trust me I couldn't have been happier but something still puzzles me. I groaned to my self before taking hold of my laptop and turning it on. I grabbed the black cord and plugged it into the outlet. I turned my attention back the screen, tugging the laptop into my lap and typed in my password. I patiently waited as the icons loaded onto the screen before closing off any unnecessary items. I clicked the msn 'sign in' button and once I did that I instantly received offline messages.

I felt small droplets of tears begin to roll down my eyes cheeks, my face began to warm up I, I just couldn't believe what I was seeing.

ZackieLoveBear: Rain, please don't do this. I really love you. I'm sorry I didn't mean for you to find out this way. I let my foolish one time mistake take the better of me and she blacked mailed my saying if I didn't listen to her then she would tell you everything. I just didn't want to see you hurt so I lied to you. I should have told you from the beginning but I didn't have enough courage to tell you I am sorry. Please don't leave me please don't walk away from me I need you. Come back to me please I need you a lot I really do love you. . . I am sorry more than words can explain please listen to me.. Please believe me I am not lying I swear please.

I starred at the computer screen not being able to understand anything. I just wanted to cry my eyes out until I could barely see and or breathe. I swear this is nothing but a lie I know it is then why wont my heart admit it. I guess I still do love him more than I think I do. But I have Andy now, the question was, Is Andy real? Am I really engaged to him?

For crying out loud stop it Rain! Shouted an inner voice. Zack is no longer part of your life you left it the day you stepped onto the airplane! He is done, finished, the end. Move on Rain its time you let the past go and started to embrace your future because what is done is done you cant change it.

FaithlessRain: Im sorry Zack. But I cant forgive you for what you did. Even if I did forgive you I cant be yours anymore. I whole heartedly belong to someone else. Please forget me. . . Good bye Zackie. Ps. I will some how will always love you Zackie.. Bear...<3

I didn't belong to anyone the one person that understood me after Andy was Zack and now I am thousands of miles away from him. I am sitting here starring at an computer screen and crying right now. God I wish life was easier on me sometimes but then again hey that was life wasn't it?

"Rain?" someone knocked at my door. They slowly pushed open the door peeking in to see if was here. I stooped lower hiding behind my laptop screen and quickly wiped away the tears. I closed the window also looking back up at the person. "May I come in?"

I was starring at an middle age man with dark brown hair and hazel brown eyes. I gave him a curious look as to who he was and nodded my head motioning it was okay for him to come in. He stepped into the room and smiled at me brightly he was almost beaming.

"Sorry for intruding but I wanted to introduce my self I just couldn't wait until dinner." he started to talk. He seemed a bit nervous but he didn't show it much. It intrigued me actually. I smiled to my self softly at how fast he was speaking. "I am Jason Colt."

My eyes widen a bit and I smiled at him, so this was the man who saved me from the hell hole called home. I sat up in the bed putting my laptop aside and gave him my full undivided attention. He smiled at me again and sat down on the edge of the bed looking at me carefully. He studied my face for a good few moments before speaking again,

"I am glad you have chosen to come here. I cant tell you how ecstatic I am. I've been trying to obtain you so long but I some how fate played in my favor and here you are." he took a slight pause making sure I was paying attention before continuing. "I know you have a lot of questions and I willing to answer them all right now."

"Why do you want me?" I slowly began to ask, going down my list of questions.

"I wanted you because well you showed something all the other girls lacked. You had an different aura to you. Something that made you stand out."

"I cant understand that. There was nothing that made me different than most of the girls out there. If you really wanted someone for your son you ha-"

"Andy isn't my son." he cut me off. He have me a stern look before turning away. "Andy Sixx is not my son. I was asked to bring you here by your real father, before he passed away he had already made arrangements for you to be married to Andy. You surely remember meeting him do you not?"

I shook my head no starring at him blankly.

"Andy isn't the Andy you think he is. Andy isn't Andy West he is someone completely different. Mind you just because he isn't who you think he is don't think you can run away from here. I am sorry about. . . ." he stopped mid way and turned to look at me. "About my daughter Sophie annoying since you have arrived. She too love Andy and doesn't think your worthy enough of him. Rain. . . Do you even know who Andy is?"

I gave him another blank look and shook my head no.

"Andy Sixx. . . Look up the band Black Veils Brides." he finished and turned to the door. "You will get all your info from there."

Once he left the room, I starred at my laptop screen there was no reply from Zack. I signed loudly falling backwards into the sheets closing my eyes. I brought my hands up to my face, tracing my eyes to my cheeks and breathing softly. I sat back up opening up the internet and typed in 'black veils brides'. Immediately I received several hits for it and I laughed softly. I was just about to click when the door came flying open. I shifted my gaze from the laptop up to the door to see an furious Andy .. .


OMG SOMEONE IS PISSED OFF!!! O O lol~ please message and vote


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Break Me Then Tell Me You Love Me [Andy Sixx Love Story]Where stories live. Discover now