Break Me Then Tell Me You Love Me [AndySixxLoveStory]

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Okays Guys. . I wanted to updated this part because its to someone really special to me. He just passed away and I want to keep his memory flashing through the world. This amazing guy. He was simply just amazing. There arent enough words for me to tell you how special he was. Jesse was someone I knew he would accept me no matter how crazy I was. He was my bestie & older brother to me. At one point in my life he was more to. Ive cried so much now a days that I cant even keep track of my own emotions. I wanna write this part because its pretty much gonna show you let you feel what I am. A good author should know how to do that right? so just bare with me. I ask for forgiveness now if this get to sad for you to read. I appreciate all of you who have been reading my story and commenting plus voting. That means alot to me. I hope you guys enjoy this part. Please vote and comment that is all I ask of you. But even if you dont I wanna still write this because its for someone dear to my heart.

Run Away

Run to the north the south the west and the east

Run away from this end

Escape the fears

Close your eyes and fall back

I don't wanna hear anything

Just forget the trouble

I just want to vanish

Hold me now and let me go

I am blowing away with the wind

Gone Forever. . .Just Like That.

"Andy Andy Andy Andy Andy Andy Andy Andy. . ." I kept repeating those words at the empty ceiling hoping someone was listening. I knew no one could hear me and no was close enough to hear me cry. "Andie. . ."

I felt the tears slips down my cheeks. Soaking the portions of my shirt that they slipped onto. I just needed to know where he was. Oh I knew damn well where he was the only thing was I couldn't visit him. I just wanted to see him one more time enough to tell him. How much he meant to me. The emotions running through escaped from the day he passed away. . .

~Flash back~

"Andy!!!" I screamed, clutching his body. "WAKE UP!!! GOD DAMN FUCKING WAKE UP!"

I held onto Andy body, shaking him anything I could do to wake him up. I could feel those tears pouring out of my eyes. I just laid there next to him holding onto him. I didn't know how to let him go. My emotions were completely askew right now. I just didn't know what to shout anymore. My voice wouldn't come out anymore. I could feel my words choke themselves into my throat.

"ANDY!!! GOD DAMN BASTARD!!" I cried, through the tears shaking him violently trying to wake him up. "This ISN'T funny! If this is some kind of sick joke I swear to go I will murder you when you wake up!!! Because I swear to damn fucking god your scaring me!! You bloody git your getting cold wake up!!!"

I felt this anger rise up in me at the same time the tears flowing down from my eyes just kept going. My cheeks were stained with endless amounts of tears. My fragile glass heart was shattering with every word that came out of my mouth. I didn't recognize my own voice. I sounded so cold distant.. . Hateful? My words were worthless and just violent. I stood up rushing to the bathroom filling the bucket up with cold water. I grabbed it quickly and threw it onto Andy. Hoping an old house hold remedy would work.

My attempted were just as useless as the screaming. I starred at his limp body. There was bloody clustered around his body drenched into the water. I clasped to my knees. Feel the water soak into my jeans and the blood stain into my clothing. My hands were covered in the world that was resting on the ground. I slowly crawled my way over to him. My vision blurry from the tears and some blood that was smeared across my face from rubbing my face with my hands.

,. . . .

im sorry I really dont have it in my to write the rest of this I promise I will finish this but not today. .

Break Me Then Tell Me You Love Me [Andy Sixx Love Story]Where stories live. Discover now