My Alter Ego and His Ultra Ego - Chapter 2

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Hey Watters! How ya'll doin'? I'll be uploading soon- Chapter 3 :D - I'm adding Tyler's Point Of View, as something dramatic is coming up!!!!!!!!!!!!

Chapter 2


A turtle. An apple. The outline of a rabbit. I stared down at the doodles that littered my note pad. Class provides me with some alone time. The teachers don't call me out for not paying attention, because they know I know the answers.

Half way through a drawing of a caterpillar, the bell rang signalling the end of the day. I hopped up, and left the class in my dust.


After a quick visit to my locker, I headed for the car park, were my wheezing truck is parked. "Wait!" I turned round to see Tyler running over to me. "Hey best bud." He grinned as he stopped next to me.

"Best bud?" I asked while rising an eyebrow.

"Yeah! You and me go way back!" His eyes were wide with fake excitement as he mock gushed. "Remember that time, in the corridor when I asked you out. Then you shot me down? Yeah good times." He sighed, then killed the act. "Why did you?"

"Shoot you down?" I asked. He nodded. "I'm not you type."

"Female, is my type." I smirked, true.

"Well, your not my type." I said confidentially, while walking around him and heading through the school car park, so he'd have to leave soon to get in his vehicle.

"What? Elysia, now your just embarrassing your self." He said while catching up to me. "I'm everyone's type, is hot not your type?"

I laughed. "Hot is, egotistical however, is defiantly not." I clarified with a sweet smile. "Isn't that your motorcycle?" I said while pointing at the expensive looking, hot red motorcycle.

"I'm walking you home." He said like it was the obvious thing in the world, I've notice he has a way of assuming he gets what he wants.

The statement sunk in.


Warning bells went off in my head. "And why would you do that?" I reigned in my voice till it was politely interested, but I had stopped in my tracks.

"I want to interview the only girl to have turned me down, your an endangered species." He joked.

"But your motorcycle, you'd have to walk all the way back." Come on Elysia, max out brain power, he can't know where you live! He can't see Sia's home, it's too close to the other me.


The conversation continued in quick responses;

"Then I'll drive you home."

"But I live in the opposite direction to you, a three hour walk."

"You don't know which direction my house is!...Wait three hours!" He accused.

"Which direction is your house?"

"Near Fal-" I cut him off.

"OMG! I, like, live in the opposite direction to you...bye" I started walking away, I really had to get to the Ivy's Rumours and help with serving.


I felt guilty for being so rude, but some girl had to turn him down at some point. It just so happened to be me, and I have a feeling his ego will benefit. He'll move on, I thought to myself with certainty.


My truck made a noisy entrance into one of the parking spaces at the bar. I entered through the back door, ensuring Mom was occupied with serving the punters. I scurried upstairs, into our flat and walked into the biggest bedroom. Clothes hung in plastic covers. I've memorised the location of each item, if I move them Mom gets annoyed. It's the only thing she gets annoyed about.

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