Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

"I...think I love you." John had stuttered.

Both men sat still, eyes wide in shock at John's confession. John was shocked at how confident he had been and Sherlock was completely lost for words, which was unlike him.

John waited for some kind of response from the man opposite him, but nothing ever came. Sherlock was completely dumbfounded and he couldn't get his brain and vocal cords to coordinate properly, so only a few indecipherable sounds escaped his lips. John felt his heart shatter inside of him. It was clear to him now. Sherlock would never return his love.

Slowly John dropped his hands from their previous positions at the side of Sherlock's face and rose from his seat, Sherlock still staring ahead to where John was seated before. John hurried off quickly to his room.

He knew he was going to cry, but he couldn't stand the thought of Sherlock seeing him in that state again. He needed to act like the soldier he was in front of him, and keep the crying locked behind his bedroom door.

He shut the door behind him and slowly sat down on the edge of his bed. He was so embarrassed, of course Sherlock wouldn't feel the same way. He was married to his work.

He had expected some sort of response from Sherlock. 'What did I expect though?' John thought to himself. 'For Sherlock to express his undying love for me?' He laughed bitterly. 'Like that would ever happen.'

John curled up on the bed, not bothering to change his clothes. 'How could I have been so bloody stupid?!' John cursed himself over and over again in his head and let a few stray tears escape his eyes.

Soon, he drifted off to sleep.


Sherlock sat on the sofa completely dumbfounded.

John loved him? How was this possible? No one had ever said something like that to Sherlock before, and now here he was unable to get simple words to form. Of course he loved John back, why hadn't he told him?! 'Oh of course, because Sherlock is the high-functioning sociopath who is unable to feel love,' Sherlock scolded himself. He covered his face with his hands and let out a long sigh. 'Stupid emotions,' he thought to himself.

He suddenly felt worried that John would feel too embarrassed to stay. Sherlock wouldn't last without his blogger, his doctor, his best friend. John was the reason that Sherlock had changed. Before Sherlock had met John, he would cover up his pain with drugs, however it always came creeping back. So the harder the pain hit, the bigger each dose got. Lestrade had found him one evening in a dark alleyway having a fit and choking on his vomit due to an overdose. He had been in the hospital for a week, which of course wasn't healthy for someone with such an over active brain. But he was grateful for his life, even if he didn't show it.

Besides, he never would have met John if he hadn't pulled his life together. John was always there for him, through the good and the bad. How would he have coped without him?

Sherlock felt like the biggest idiot ever for hurting John like this, and he had to ignore the pain in his chest when he thought about John potentially leaving him.

He needed to apologise. Soon.


Sorry it's short, I will update again very soon ^.^ promise!

And I'm sorry that it's quite sad, it definitely will get happier! xx

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