Chapter 6

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I hope you liked the happy/fluffy stuff in the last chapter ^.^ read on and you are guaranteed more ....


Chapter 6

A month passed without fault and Sherlock and John were getting to grips with their new relationship. John was happier than he had ever been but Sherlock still worried. He worried that he would do the slightest thing wrong and his doctor would leave him. John had told him time and time again that he had nothing to worry about and he was just paranoid, but Sherlock couldn't let go of the thought. It was so rare for Sherlock Holmes to feel love that he just knew he would mess it up and potentially ruin everything.

But apart from that worry that he stored away somewhere distant in his head, he was having the time of his life. He couldn't remember a time when he felt happier or more content than this.

It was eight in the morning and he was cuddled up to his blogger on the sofa watching some kind of rubbish on TV. Both laid stretched out on the sofa, John resting his head on Sherlock's chest with Sherlock's arm draped around him. Every Saturday and Sunday morning was spent like this, and since they didn't have a case, they stayed that way for over an hour.

Finally John realised that he was hungry.

Reluctantly John climbed over the consulting detective, kissed his forehead lightly and walked off to the kitchen. Moments later he sensed someone standing behind him and a long pair of arms snaked around his waist. He leaned back into Sherlock's chest and smiled contently.

'How did I get so lucky?' John thought to himself.

Sherlock kissed the top of John's head and John turned around to look up at him.

"John, you are really short," Sherlock said casually.

"I know. Thank you for pointing that out," John laughed.

Sherlock smiled and leaned down to kiss his blogger, and John stood up on tiptoes so he could reach easier. John smiled against Sherlock's soft lips and Sherlock brought his hands up to cup John's face. John wrapped his arms around Sherlock's torso and they remained there for a few minutes just kissing and holding each other.

Suddenly a loud crash echoed behind them.

They broke apart and spun around to see a shocked Mrs Hudson standing in the doorway, the shattered remains of a teacup scattering the kitchen floor.

John remembered that they hadn't told anyone about their relationship yet and he was just about to fix some words together so he could explain to Mrs Hudson when a huge grin spread across her face.

"Well it's about bloody time," she said laughing slightly. She appeared to be truly happy and Sherlock and John both let out a sigh of relief.

"I'll make you boys some pancakes, my treat," she said, trotting over to the fridge. Mrs Hudson was a dear, she was so accepting. John immediately started to worry if others wouldn't be as accepting as she was. Of course people would find out soon, nobody had stopped talking about Sherlock since his miraculous return.

He pushed that thought away and quickly stood on tiptoes to plant a quick kiss on Sherlock's cheek before sitting himself down at the kitchen counter to talk to Mrs Hudson.

John grinned from ear to ear when he watched Sherlock walk over to Mrs Hudson to give her a big kiss on the cheek.

"Oh Sherlock, you are sweet," she cooed. "Now go and get changed out you pyjamas young man or no pancakes." She said in her motherly tone that no one can argue with.

Sherlock huffed and strode off to his room. He came back moments later in the purple shirt that John loved so much. John caught himself staring and he had to avert his eyes quickly before Sherlock would notice. Of course he did though and he smiled as he watched the blush creep onto John's face.

Once Mrs Hudson's boys were fed, she left them alone so she could go shopping. John picked up his laptop and started to type up their recent case on his blog and Sherlock flopped down onto the sofa.

About ten minutes later Sherlock began to sigh.

'Oh no, it's started,' John thought.

Sherlock sighed again, louder this time.

"Sherlock, stop it." John said, not taking his eyes off his laptop.

Sherlock chose to ignore him and sighed again.

"John I'm bored."

"Obviously," John sighed. 'Honestly, that man!' John thought.

"Anything from Lestrade?" John asked.

"Nope," Sherlock answered.

At that moment, Sherlock's phone started ringing. He grabbed it without hesitating.

"Sherlock Holmes," he answered. "Of course, we're on our way."

He hung up and both men jumped up and ran out of the flat, grabbing their coats on the way. They held each others hands the whole journey and jumped out of the cab when they arrived at Scotland Yard.

Sherlock never let go of the doctor's hand.

"Sherlock wait," John stopped him. "What are they going to say when they see us like this?"

Sherlock looked at John with sad eyes. "Are you embarrassed about us John?"

"What? No! Of course not, I was just thinking, you know..." John trailed off.

"That it will be a bit of a shock for them?" Sherlock interrupted.


"Well then I think we should exaggerate it as much as possible. It might persuade them to think about things for a change." Sherlock smirked.

John smiled at him. "Well in that case, bring it on."

They strode into Scotland Yard, hands firmly grasped together. Everyone stared at them as they passed by and Anderson choked on his coffee, Sally rushing over to help him.

Sherlock smiled and John laughed when he noticed how much Sherlock was enjoying all of it.

They marched into Lestrade's office and he nearly fell off his chair when he saw them hand in hand. He ran over to the window and witnessed every other police officer staring at the room the pair had just walked into and Anderson struggling to breathe at his desk.

"Well, not what I expected to happen when I woke up this morning, but nevertheless I'm happy for the two of you." He smiled.

Sherlock let go of John's hand and proceeded towards Lestrade's desk.

"So why did you call us here?" Sherlock asked, becoming impatient.

"A murder. A guy was killed early this morning at Bank tube station, we don't know why or who did it. Will you come?"

"Oh god yes," Sherlock grinned.


Ooh a case! It's Christmas ^.^ I will update again soon xx

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