Chapter 9

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Chapter 9

After a few phone calls and tons of paper work, Hamish Watson-Holmes finally had a family.

Despite the sadness the day had brought them, John and Sherlock couldn't hide the smiles on their faces. They had a son and they knew they loved him as soon as they first laid eyes on him. Sherlock came up with the name and John was more than happy to give his middle name to his child. Neither of them would have predicted that this was going to happen when they left the flat this morning, but neither of them cared.

They were finally parents.

They were on their way back to 221B and Lestrade had made a call to gather plenty of baby supplies for the new family. John was very grateful that Lestrade hadn't pressured them for any more information to do with the case. Of course they would help the police as much as they could, but they had other things on their minds right now.

They pulled up outside and both men climbed out of the cab, Sherlock holding little Hamish who was wrapped in a travel coat that was way too big for him. John unlocked the front door and they climbed the stairs slowly towards their flat. They walked inside and John immediately turned to his two boys.

"Welcome home Hamish," he whispered, stroking the baby's hand gently. Sherlock smiled at him.

"Shall we go and find Mrs Hudson?" Sherlock asked.

"Yeah, you and Hamish stay here and I'll go and tell her we have a surprise to show her," John grinned, turning to go.

"John?" Sherlock called after him.

"Yeah?" John answered.

"I love you," he said shyly.

John chuckled and walked back over to Sherlock. "I love you too," He said, kissing Sherlock softly on the lips and then leaning down to gently kiss his son. "And I also love you," he cooed. Sherlock laughed lightly.

John ran off and Sherlock stood in the centre of the living room holding his son. He watched as Hamish played with the end of his scarf and grinned as he looked up into Sherlock's eyes. 'How could someone like me get so lucky?' He thought to himself. He never would have thought he'd come across someone as amazing as John, let alone having a family with him.

Sherlock started to worry. He didn't want his son to have the same upbringing that he did when he was a child and he was worried that Hamish would turn out too much like him, lacking all social skills and resorting to drugs when he's depressed. 'No, that won't happen to him. I can't let it,' Sherlock thought.

Suddenly he heard two sets of footsteps coming up the stairs. John entered first followed by Mrs Hudson.

"John was is it?" She chuckled. "What did you..." She stopped when she noticed Sherlock holding the baby. John walked over to Sherlock and put his hand on his back, turning to Mrs Hudson and smiling.

"Mrs Hudson, meet Hamish Watson-Holmes; our son." John said gently.

She covered her mouth with her hands and walked slowly over to the small family. She looked over Sherlock's arm and Hamish looked up at her with his big blue eyes. Silent tears started falling down her cheeks and she beamed at her boys.

"He's beautiful," she whispered, letting Hamish hold onto her fingers.

John made them all tea and prepared Hamish's bottle. They sat there talking about the adoption and John fed the little boy. Mrs Hudson had her turn holding him while Sherlock and John rested for a few minutes, the first chance they'd got since they left that morning.

After a while, there was a knock at the door.

"That'll be Lestrade with the baby supplies," John said, standing up.

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