Chapter 5

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This chapter will get happier (as promised) so please read on ^.^


Chapter 5

John and Sherlock spent the next four days in silence, only speaking when they offered each other the occasional cup of tea.

It was becoming unbearable for both of them.

Sherlock was taking his cup back out to the kitchen and John was staring blankly at the screen of his laptop when Sherlock's phone rang, making both men jump.

Sherlock grabbed it and answered. It was Lestrade. John watched as Sherlock's eyes grew wide and he started pacing, drawing a hand through his dark curls.

"Yes...ok, Lestrade I'm sorry...I've been...distracted. Yes we're on our way."

John took that as his cue to get ready to go. He watched Sherlock curiously as he stood up.

"What's happened, Sherlock?" John asked, trying not to sound too interested.

"That case we were given four days ago." He answered.

"What about it?"

"I forgot to solve it."

John couldn't help himself. He burst into a fit of giggles in front of Sherlock.

"What's so funny?" Sherlock asked, clearly annoyed.

"You are," John managed to say between laughs.


"You've never forgotten about a case before since the day I met you," John smiled.

"Well...I have had other things on my mind lately..." Sherlock trailed off.

"Like what?" John asked.

Sherlock sighed. "Like admitting my feelings for you." His voice was close to a whisper.

John paused. "Go on." His voice trembled slightly.

"John, the reason I didn't respond to you the other day is because I didn't expect it. Nobody has ever told me they loved me before, not even my own family. And I guess I was worried about saying the wrong thing..." Sherlock began to edge closer to John. "I guess I never expected you to feel the same way about me as I feel about you..." Sherlock stepped closer to John. Both men's heartbeats increased rapidly and Sherlock noticed John's pupils dilating.

"What do you mean?" John stuttered nervously. Sherlock was only inches away from his face and John felt his face burn. He had to fight the urge to grab Sherlock's face and pull him in for a kiss and his fingers twitched anxiously at his sides.

"I love you too," Sherlock purred, leaning down slowly towards John.

'Oh god, ok. Sherlock is going to kiss me. I am about to do this. Do I want this? Oh god yes.' John thought.

Suddenly a loud ringing filled the room, interrupting what was about to be a perfect moment. Sherlock picked up his phone.

"What?" He said, not even bothering to look to see who was calling. "Fine, yes, we are on our way." He said and promptly hung up.

"Honestly," he whispered, putting away his phone. "Lestrade needs us there now, apparently." He sighed irritably.

"Really not the best of times," John murmured.

Both men grabbed their coats and left the flat. They arrived at Scotland Yard after getting a cab and Sherlock stormed ahead towards Lestrade's office, leaving John to pay the cabbie and running off to catch up with the taller man.

"So, have you solved it?" Lestrade asked as they entered his office.

"Yes." Sherlock said matter-of-factly, clearly annoyed with the detective inspector for ruining their moment.

"Well, care to explain?" John urged, knowing that at least he'd be able to get a response out of Sherlock.

After wrapping up everything about the case, Sherlock left John and Lestrade and stormed away from Scotland Yard.

"What's his problem?" Lestrade asked.

"I'm...sure it''s nothing, you know what Sherlock's like," John laughed nervously.

Lestrade eyed John curiously and John left promptly, knowing that Lestrade would start to suspect something.

He had to catch a cab by himself since Sherlock had already taken off without him, but he wasn't mad. He was used to Sherlock's strange habits by now.

He returned to 221b and headed up the stairs, the beautiful sound of a violin filling John's ears. He entered and smiled as he saw Sherlock standing by the window, playing the sweet music peacefully.

That's when the bad smell hit John.

John turned his head to find the source of the smell and realised it was coming from the kitchen. He rushed over when he saw smoke start to spill from the oven and opened it to find a pile of burnt food.

Meanwhile, Sherlock had put down his violin and John could sense the man standing behind him.

"Sherlock, not again," he sighed as he pulled the baking tray out of the oven. He rushed over and opened a window, not wanting a repeat of the last kitchen disaster.

"Why were you cooking? Don't you remember last time?!"

"I thought 'practice makes perfect' John?" Sherlock said as he prodded the burnt food with a spoon.

"Obviously that doesn't help in your case," John smiled.

Sherlock looked disappointed. He looked down at the floor and muttered something indecipherable.

"What's that Sherlock?" John asked, putting a hand gently on Sherlock's shoulder.

"I said 'I just want to give you something special,'" Sherlock sighed, still not looking up.

John smiled. He loved this new side of Sherlock.

"You don't have to make me dinner or buy me anything to be able to give me something special," he said quietly, placing both his hands on Sherlock's shoulders.

"I don't understand?" Sherlock replied, looking up to meet John's eyes.

"Your love is enough," John answered.

Sherlock smiled a genuine smile before leaning down towards John's lips. Suddenly a loud ringing filled the room again.

"For goodness sake! Every damn time!" John shouted, throwing his hands in the air for dramatic affect.

Sherlock looked at the caller I.D and realised that it was just Mycroft. John had had enough by that point. He was fed up with people interrupting the most perfect moments. If he wanted to kiss Sherlock Holmes, then he bloody well will.

"Sod it," John sighed, before storming up to Sherlock, taking his mobile from his hand and throwing it across the room, and finally pulling the consulting detective in for a kiss.

Sherlock was shocked at John's actions, but to be honest, he liked this side of John. After a few seconds he started kissing back and he wrapped his arms around the doctors waist, pulling him up slightly so he could reach easier. John wrapped his arms around Sherlock's neck with a vice-like grip, never wanting to let go, and he tangled his fingers in Sherlock's curls. Sherlock smiled into the kiss. He remembered his brother saying that 'caring isn't an advantage.' Well how wrong had he been!

After a few minutes, they broke away from each other, panting slightly.

"Will...will you make...the dinner then?" Sherlock panted.

"Of course, we obviously can't eat that," John smiled and gestured towards the pile of burnt stuff in the baking tray.

Sherlock grinned and stepped towards John, cupping his face in his hands. He leaned down and left a soft kiss on John's lips before retreating back to his violin to complete his unfinished melody.


Did you enjoy it? I know I enjoyed writing it! But it's not over yet, there's still more to come so I will update soon ^.^

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