Chapter 7

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Ooh a on to see how it happened.

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Chapter 7

John and Sherlock were escorted straight away to Bank tube station. Sherlock was excited and John could tell by the way he was bouncing his legs up and down in the back of the cab and tapping his fingers on his knee.

John would be lying if he said he wasn't excited too. 'I'm becoming too much like Sherlock,' he thought to himself, rolling his eyes and smiling.

They arrived minutes later and made their way down to the platform. Sherlock held the police tape up for John and they proceeded towards the body that was pooled in blood.

"His name's David Grey, twenty eight years old and he works at the Bank of England Museum. He was shot in the chest and the ballistics report says the bullet came from a 9mm semiautomatic pistol," Lestrade said. "What can you add to that Sherlock?"

Sherlock starting darting around the body, digging in the dead man's pockets and checking the details with his pocket magnifying glass.

"He worked at the Bank of England Museum as a security guard and he was working on the night shift according to the alarm set on his phone. His eyes are red and there are bags under his eyes showing that he has been tired, but with a regular job like this you would think he was used to this shift, so something must have been happening at home to make him this tired. I checked his previous phone calls on his mobile and the last one was from someone called 'Joanne' at 5:42 this morning, so the fact that the time was so random could indicate that something important happened. He rushed to leave work, changing into more comfortable shoes; his trainers, but he was in a rush so he didn't bother to tie his laces, instead just tucking them into his shoes. His train pass would take him to St Paul's but the tube left at 5:58 so he missed it. Therefore he was the only one on the platform, meaning the perfect setting for a murder."

"Incredible," John said, amazed.

"But why was he killed?" Lestrade asked.

"He was guarding something in the museum worth a lot of money. The rip on one of the belt loops shows that the murderer tore off something that was attached; most likely a set of keys."

"Some officers have been sent to the museum to check if anything has been stolen," Lestrade said. His phone started ringing and he turned away to answer it.

"The security cameras would have caught everything, wouldn't they?" John asked, looking up at Sherlock.

"No, someone cut them off. There's a gap between 5:57 and 6:07." He answered.

There was a few moments of silence.

"That was brilliant, you know," John smiled.

Sherlock looked down at his John. "I know." He smiled. John rolled his eyes and chuckled lightly.

Lestrade came rushing back.

"What is it?" Sherlock asked.

"We've found Joanne. She's at St Bart's." Lestrade rushed.

Sherlock, John, Lestrade and a group of officers all headed to the hospital. John cringed as they pulled up outside, remembering Sherlock's fall and how depressed he'd been afterwards.

Sherlock took John's hand in his own and gave him a sad smile. "Let's forget about the past and think of our future," he whispered. John gave him a small smile and nodded.

They headed into the hospital and Lestrade stopped them.

"Joanne is David's wife. She called him early in the morning because she was on her way to hospital in an ambulance. She was pregnant and in labour," John sighed sadly. Poor woman, a soon-to-be mum who has just lost her husband. Why do bad things always have to happen to innocent people?

"She's had her baby now, but..." Lestrade tried, but Sherlock had already started to walk off in the direction of the maternity wards.

"Sherlock wait!" Lestrade shouted. Sherlock didn't stop.

"Sherlock, get back here right now!" John shouted. Sherlock stopped and turned around.

"There's no time! She could give us information about her husband and we could find the murderer easier," he shouted from down the corridor.

"But Sherlock you don't understand..." Lestrade tried, but Sherlock turned to walk off.

"SHERLOCK SHE'S DEAD!" He screamed.

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