Chapter 9

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Hours felt like minutes today. Celia and I have been rushing around to get the spare room ready in case my parents wants to stay here. I had Matthew asking when they will be here every five minutes. and the worst of all is I don't know what to make for supper.

"Celia, Please look after Matthew for a bit I need to rush to the stores. Do you need anything?" Celia was my live safer. I can always count on her when it comes to Matthew.

"No Ma'am" She answered.

It was already noon which left me with six hours until my parents arrived. I still needed to work on a menu and i still needed to prepare it. Then I had to ask Celia if she would mind helping tonight with the cleaning after dinner. I hate asking her to stay late but I know I will use the kitchen as my escape and excuse while they are here.

I arrived at the store walking mindlessly up and down the ails when i struck me like a brick on the head. I had the perfect menu for tonight. Quickly gathering all the ingredients I added some wine to the list some red and white. I was never a big drinker but did have my occasional crazy nights. Those use to be lots of fun. Since I moved I only had the occasional glass of wine while writing. I sure have become a real light weight, I think if I have more than two glasses now I will be a real mess.

Driving home with music blaring in my ears my thought traveled back 3 years.

"Liz I will be working later than usual tonight. Don't wait up." This has been happening a lot more often than it use to. Dilton and I use to be great lovers and best friends but somewhere we lost each other.

I was laying in bed when I heard the front door open and Dilton walking ever so slowly up the stairs as if not to wake me. I saw him going straight for the shower. I couldn't handle the thought of him with another woman so I slipped out of bed and quietly tip toed out to the veranda.

I was sitting in the dark when I heard him walk out of the bathroom. Trying to be very cautions for waking me. I didn't make a sound as I sat outside. I gazed at the stars wondering how my life would have been if I could have given him children. Would he still love me if I was able to give him a son. Would be home with me every night. Or would he only stay for the sake of the child. Is there still a place for me in his heart.

I felt a touch on my cheek but turned away immediately. I don't want him to touch me with those hands after he used them to betray me.

I didn't dare look at him that would break me. I heard him sight as he left me alone once again outside.

I was brought back to the future when I heard a car hooting. And someone shouting.

"Come on can't you see its green or are you colour blind" I looked around frantically. Gawd they were talking Me!!! I hit the gas leaving tire marks behind. Feeling embarrassed. The last stretch of road was quiet and only took about 10 min.

I didn't even notice that it was after one already. Joe was outside waiting for me as I parked my car. He started unloading all the groceries with me as we make our way into the house.

"Mommy" Matthew attacked my legs as I entered the kitchen. All I could smell was something sweet really really sweet. That's when I noticed Celia at the oven taking some pans out.

"Look mommy,we make cookies" Matthew grabbed my hand pulling me with him so he could show me the cookies they baked.

"It smells really sweet and homey Celia. Thank you" I smiled in direction.

"No trouble ma'am. Thought you could offer some biscuits and tea on your parents arrival." She was an angel sent from heaven. I didn't even think of that.

"Oh Celia what would I do with out you. Thank you so much I didn't even think about it." I walked over giving her a tight hug.

"Okay buddy, now you and me will need to start cooking or else we won't make it in time. So let's wash up and grab our aprons. Mommy needs a little cook to help her." I picked up Matthew carrying him to the basin to wash his hand. Looking over my shoulder I called to Celia.

"Would you mind helping me. I am really nerves and I am just afraid that I mess everything up." I asked shyly, blushing as I confessed.

"Sure ma'am. I will be honored" She walked over to where the aprons was and started M helping with the preparations for dinner.

"Ms Mayfield?" I looked up noticing Joe standing at the kitchen door.

"Yes Joe?"

"Would you like me to set the tables on the deck for entertaining or in the dining room?"

"Let's do supper in the dinning room it is a bit chilly out at night. But I would like to serve the tea and some of Celia's biscuits when they arrive outside on the deck. Thank you Joe"

"No problem ma'am"

We were all busy preparing for their arrival. My nerves were on end not knowing what to expect.

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