Chapter 14

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To say Catherine acted strange is an understatement. In all the years we have been friends I have never seen her act so strange. After Cat left I started thinking about what my mother said maybe I must go and see Dilton before he hears I am in town. I went to change in to something more attractive before I changed my mind. I popped my head into my mother room where I heard her reading a story to Matthew.

"Mom I will be back in a bit. I have my phone with me should you need me."

"Okay honey see you later." My mom said with a smile.

It was already after five in the afternoon but I could bet my arse on it that he was still at the office. I would just have to persuade the guards to let me. I drove from my pedants estate to the building that Dilton ran his company from I down town. It was about a thirty minute drive.

My thoughts kept on running through sinarios of how to approach this but I think the best way to go is to play it by ear. When I looked up I saw that I was already parked outside the Kingsley building. Making my way out the car I checked my makeup and patched up my lipstick. Closing the car door I pulled my little turquoise dress straight and check that I had my nude shoe on. When I felt satisfied with myself I made my way to the building.

Pushing myself through the revolving doors I was greeted by very familiar face.

"Welcome back ms. Cage. Haven't seen you in a very long time can I inform Mr Kingsley that you are here?" Mike my old body guard smiled at me.

"Mike how good you look. Can I ask a favour I would like to suprise Mr Kingsley if that is alright" I asked with a small smile.
"Sure ma'am but you know that as soon as the elevator reaches the second last floor Mr Kingsley is notified via his cct system of who is in the elevator."

"Sure I remember but I have that covered." Mike nodded to me as I made my way to the elevator.

Riding to the 24th floor and taking the emergency stairs the 27th floor was not such a good idea. I was currently at floor 27 and out of breath. Putting my hand on the door I hear a female voice.

"Dilton honey I know you know I am here. Where are you?" That voice definitely belonged to someone I knew. And that someone is my best friend Catherine.

I never hear Dilton reply but I heard footstep pass the staircase door towards Dilton's office. After hearing his door open I sneaked out to the listen to their conversation.

"God Dilton she is never coming back so just forget about her. She left and either she never wanted to be found or she is dead. You asked me to be your wife bug you still mourn her. Do u ou even love me?" No I wanted to know the answer to all of those questions.

"Either you shut your trap about Liz being dead or you will have a wedding for one. And to answer you question I will never love you, I will always just love her. Are you satisfied now?" There was a paused silence before I hear Catherine reply.

"Well then you better pay me because looks like your wish came true and I won't be your arm candy. So pay up. You made the deal with me to get married for publicity. You and I singed the contract." What the fuck they are doing this for show? Maybe I must make myself known.

Stepping in to the door I see the man I will always love starring at Catherine unable to form words. Before I could make my presence known Dilton's eyes lock on to Myne. Although they didn't stay there long and roamed my body. I still got lost in his blue orbs.

"Dilton?" I ask but it is a mere whisper but he heard me. And that made Catherine turn around. Seeing me she went pale. But that didn't worry me. Dilton started to make his way towards me. All the confusion starting to fade and being replaced with anger the closer he got to me. When he was about three steps away he lifted his hand and I flinched away not sure what he wants to do.

Dilton never did lift a hand towards me but the anger I saw in his eyes gave me a shiver that made me flinch.

"Lizzy? Is it really you?" He asked looking me up and down. He blinked his eyes a few times as if to make certain he is not dreaming.

"Yes Dilton it is me. Catherine fancy seeing you here after you ran from my house this afternoon." As soon as I said that Dilton's eyes snapped towards Catherine for confirmation of what I just said but she stood there not showing any emotion. Dilton looked at me like he wanted some kind of explanation. I gestured with my eyes towards Catherine trying to tell we need some privacy.

"Catherine please leave I will phone in the morning." Dilton gave her a command. She didn't question nor argue she just left.

"Now Elizabeth you have a lot of explaining to do." I looked at him nodding my head. How in God's name so I tell this man he is a father.

"You want me to tell you or do you want to ask me questions which I must answer?" I tried my best to keep my voice strong but a small quiver did come out.

"I think you should tell me then I will questions for some clarity." I nodded my and took a deep breath. This was going to be hard.

"Can I make a call before we start. I need someone to come over" He nodded his head looking confused but didn't ask any questions.

I took my phone and dialed my mother's number after the first ring she picked up.

"Lizzy honey is everything okay?"

"Hi mom, yes everything is fine. Uhmmmm listen is Matthew still up? I am currently at Dilton's office but I would like you to bring him over."

"He is a bit sleepy honey why don't you fill Dilton in on everything while you drive here and then I will keep my grandson awake till you arrive."

"Sure mom sounds like a good plan see you soon."

I looked over to where Dilton was standing just see a whirl wind of emotions on his face.

"Let's go!" Was all he said "we will take my car" I just nodded no use arguing.

Following Dilton to the garage of his building he directed me to his town car waiting. It made sense not for him to drive he would most probably roll the a few times. Opening the door for my slid in the back seat as Dilton slid in next to me. My fingers inched to touch him but I kept them away.

"To the Cage residence please Mark" Mark nodded at Dilton and then closed the privacy window.

Turning towards me Dilton gestured for me to start talk. I nodded and took a deep breath. I told him everything from when I left his office up to when I landed back here but left out all the pieces with Matthew in them. When I was done I looked up from my hand to see Dilton staring at me.

"So every time I heard about his writer it was you?" I just nodded

He shook his head like he was talking to himself. "You have no idea how I looked for you. Every day for the past three years I looked for you. Why didn't you contact me?"

"You didn't want me Dilton there was no need for me to prolong the heart break" He shook his head. "Who am I meeting?" He asked

A tear escaped my eye and Dilton started to look worried.

"No no its not like that let me tell you everything then you will understand. Just make me a promise you will never destroy our relationship and force him from my life."

"I promise" I took his word and started telling him what happened after my miscarriage. How I used his sperm to become pregnant. I told him about the pregnancy and the birth I also told him what his sons names where and that I named him a Kingsley as he was his heir. Tears where running down my cheeks by the time I was finished. Looking at Dilton he was very quite.

"Please say something." I begged through tears.

He pulled a mask over his face.

"We are here" was all he said as he reached for the door.

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