Chapter 13

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Catherine, but how did she know. We have been best friends since kindergarten. She was a an interior designer. And just before I left she was in Italy busy with some rich couples house. I didnt think she knew I left.

"OMG I thought your mother was pranking me when she phoned earlier. OMG lizzy it is really you? Thank goodness your alive and safe."
She grabbed me by the shoulders as to make sure I am real. Then she starts sobbing on my shoulder. This woman has always been a roller coaster. I bet when she stopped the water works she is going to threaten my life. I smiled at that thought.

I was drawn from my thoughts when I felt Matthew tugging my hand.

"Mommy who this?" I feel Cat stiffening in my arm. Looking down she sees Matthew for the first time.

I think I lost Cat there for a moment when she just stood there staring at Matthew than at me. I think she is trying to figure everything out.

"Come here buddy let me interduce you to mommy's best friend. Matthew this is aunt Cat and Cat this is my son Matthew" Catherine was gwacking at Matthew. Like he isn't real.

"Mommy I have aunty?" The way Matthew said that got Catherine to snap out of what ever trance she was.

"You sure do buddy. And this aunty is going to spoil you rotten!" Cat looked so happy when she spoke to Matthew. She looked exited to be an aunt. It made my heart swell. He never really did have any family besides me.

I was about to ask Matthew where is Celia when she came around the corner.

"Ah there you are come on boy it is time for your bath before supper. Oh sorry Mary I didn't see you there. Evening ma'am" Celia was always so polite.

"Hi Celia this is my friend Catherine. Catherine this is Celia my house keeper that came with me from South Africa." I could see Catherine was confused when I said South Africa but I will explain to her later.

"Hi Celia nice to meet you"

"Shame here ma'am. Now come on sweetheart let go and have some fun time in you bath time" Celia took Matthew's hand and lead him up the stairs.

"So spill. Who is you baby daddy. And now don't lie to me I can see who the father is. And South African. What the fudge Liz what happens?"

"Okay don't slaughter me I just landed. Can we sit down and have a glass of wine on the patio. I promise I will tell you everything." I said as I made my way towards the kitchen. Making a mental note to get my mother for this suprise.

Walking in I saw Matthew sitting on the kitchen counter. That little brat still isn't in the bath. Poor Celia she must be having a very hard time.

"Buddy why are you here and not in the bath?"


"No reason to be sorry buddy I was just wondering where Celia was if you where here."

"Here I am here. Sorry Mary I had an urgent phone call." I looked at Celia and she was a pale as a ghost.

"Celia sit down"

"Mother grad a glass of sugar water please."

"Celia wat happened?"

"Nothing ma'am my blood sugar must just be low from the long flight." I didn't buy that one bit but I accepted it.

"Okay you take the rest of the evening off I will ask my mother's housekeeper to bring your food to the room. And this is jot a request this is an instruction. I will bath Matthew now you go and rest."

"Yes ma'am. Thank you for the water ma'am."

"No hassles Celia anytime. No come on buddy let's go bath grandma will help you." Mom picked up Matthew and they left the kitchen. Celia trailing behind them. I looked over to were Cat was and I noticed she was thinking,and by thinking I meant thinking deep.

"Cat hello you there?"

"Huh sorry I was lost in thought" She looks nervous all of a sudden. And her fists were clenched. Something was up.

"Cat what is wrong you look upset."

"Nothing, nothing I was just amazed at how your life has changed. So come tell me all about your adventures." She gave me a small smile, but it looked forced. I started to grab a bottle semi sweet wine and two glasses when her phone rang. I turned and looked at her but she didn't answer. I ignored it and moved towards the kitchen island to pour some wine.

"Liz I need to run can we catch up tomorrow? I am so sorry I forgot about this one client I made a booking with."

"No, don't worry tend to your clients we will catch up later. It was fun seeing you though. Come let me walk you to the door."

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