Chapter Sixty Four

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David rolled off of Rachel and towered over her limp body on the ground.

"What?" She spat, staring between the three of them as if they were the crazy ones. Rachel ran her hand through her extremely short hair, recently trimmed for her position. Then she shrugged her shoulders and waited quietly for a response.

"You need to tell us everything," David demanded, his fists loosened their grips on himself. He took a deep breath and exhaled calmly; Chloe wished he would let his anger out and give Rachel what she deserved.

"And why would I do that?"

Chloe bounced Collin up and down; he'd finally stopped screaming and crying, but she knew it was only a matter of time before it would start up again. She didn't want to leave the room, not even for a moment, she needed to hear this, every single word Rachel said was a step closer to freedom. Chloe would get the information out of her, even if it was the last thing she did.

"It's three against one," Margaret stated. "I wouldn't question our authority if I were you."

"Like you would do anything to hurt me," Rachel laughed. "You don't even have a backbone."

"Maybe I don't," She started. "Or maybe I do." Then she jumped down and slapped Rachel across the face; it surprised her more than it should have. Chloe giggled at the sight, for once Margaret wasn't a stiff.

"You hit me."

"And I'll do it again," Margaret said, rubbing the palm of her hand. She had clearly never hit anyone before, at least, not enough to be used to the sting it gave. "So you better start talking, fast."

Rachel stared at the floor for a moment before asking, "What do you want to know?" Margaret's anger had won her over; she mustn't have thought there was a thing in the world to make her explode, hurting Collin must've crossed that line.

"Everything," David stated.

"I can't tell you everything."

"Wait," Chloe said before handing Collin off to Margaret. They made sure not to handle his bruised stomach, it would've hurt him too badly. "I think I have an idea."

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