Lost Memories...Gohan's Forgotten True Love

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Lost...Gohan's Forgotten True Love

Written by: JanaeH


Book Two

Sequel to: My true love!!! Gohan and me



High school has begun for tenth-graders, Son Gohan and Tania Ayame. However, due to some issues regarding as to why Tania and Gohan are living together, ChiChi was forced into applicating Tania as Gohan's cousin, with the story that Tania's parents had both died in a horrible accident and being the loving person that she is, adopted the young girl as her own and raised her! Oblivious to this, the two lovers are now mistakenly believed as cousins by everyone in Orange Star High School!

What happens when these two become best friends with the daughter of the man who everyone thinks killed Cell, Videl Satan? Here's a hint: Tragedy!

When Videl begins to fall in love with her best friend's boyfriend, her and Erasa strategizes a plan to steal Gohan away from Tania, using the dragonballs that they had overheard Bulma saying have the power to grant any two wishes. Stealing the dragonballs from the Z-fighters secretly, Videl and Erasa only wishes for two things:

1. To have the most important people to Gohan, including himself, to forget who Tania ever was and instead replace the memories they had of her with false memories of Videl.

2.To have Gohan fall in love with Videl!

Broken-hearted and confused, Tania sets off on a difficult journey; Her prime goals being to win the love of her life's heart back and to restore her many friends' twisted memories also.

What will happen if Tania cannot bring everyones true memories back to them? Will Videl fill in the spot that Tania once did forever? How about Gohan? Will him and Videl be together for eternity? What would happen if Tania did gathered everyones missing pieces and glued them back together? Will there be any severe consequences for doing so? If so, what are they?

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