You Were My First! Gohan & I

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You Were My First! Gohan and I

Written by: Anime_Savior


Book One:

Tara Moto was an everyday 13 year old, who never had any true friends, family, or fell in love. Her mother and father treats her badly, her so called "friends" left her for a more "popular" group, and she gets bullied from some students at school. One day, she finds a charm bracelet, with a very weird symbol on it. After a bad incident in school, Tara wishes to go to any other place or world, where people are just as weird as her or even weirder, a place where she can have a TRUE friend, where she can have a real family. After that, her charm starts to react by glowing a light blue aura. Now Tara is a world where a group of super powered warriors live. Through the time she's here, a dark present causes trouble for all.

Will Tara be able to go back home? Or does Tara want to stay here for good?

Thanks for the AMAZING COVER by kakophony

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