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I open my eyes blearily. Where am I? I brush my blonde hair out of my stormy grey orbs. I'm lying on a patterned couch. A smiling Sally Jackson stands over me, taking my temperature.

"Annabeth, sweetheart, are you okay?"

"Fine. Where's Percy?"

"He's in bed. You go back to sleep. I promise he'll be okay."

I nod off after about five minutes of Sally stroking my hair. I wake up again to Percy's voice, but I don't open my eyes.

"But Mom, what if she's not okay? She looks so sick! It's all my fault!" Percy lets out a choked sob and my heart melts. Is he talking about me? I open one eye a fraction of an inch and see Percy hugging his Mom tightly. He's seventeen, but he's crying so hard he reminds me of a scared ten-year-old. Sally notices my eye is open and she strokes Percy's hair, giving me that warm smile. She knows that I'm more than a friend to Percy.

"Honey, she should be fine. What do you want for dinner?"

"I'm not hungry. Annabeth thinks the blue food thing is weird. No blue food."

"Oh, Honey, she's your girlfriend. I'm sure she won't flip out if we have blue food. I'm not sure she'll even wake up in time for dinner."

I open both eyes and mouth "Blue is fine" to Sally. I grin and roll over. Percy snaps his head in my direction.

"Annabeth? Mom, can I at least try to wake her up?"

"Honey, she needs rest. Don't bother her. I'm running to the grocery store. We're all out of blue food coloring again." Sally locks the door behind her and Percy starts pacing. While he stares out the window, I get up silently and pad to the kitchen. When I turn on the tap, I swear he looks like a dog. He whirls around and sprints into the kitchen.

"Annabeth! You're okay!" He cries.

I grin, searching for a glass.

"I'm thirsty." He declares, bending water from the still-running tap and swirling it across the kitchen into his mouth.

"You must annoy your Mom with that, Percy." I laugh.

He frowns.

"Why'd you call me that?"

"Um, it's your name."

"But you always call me Seaweed Brain when I do stupid stuff!"

"I can't constantly call you that. I'd never be able to say anything else." I grin.

He makes a pouty face and I hold out my arms. He rushes into them and picks me up, swirling me around. We both laugh and I stare into his beautiful eyes. Suddenly, my wooziness comes back to me and I collapse, the smile wiped off my face.

"Percy Jackson!" Sally shouts, dropping her box of food coloring on the floor. "I told you to leave her on the couch!"

"She got up by herself, came to get some water, then collapsed! I didn't do anything!" He cries.

Percy's cradling my head in his criss-crossed legs. A shattered glass lies around me and I notice his hands are bleeding. He must have tried to clean up the glass with his hands so I wouldn't get cut. Water has soaked into my clothes. I open my eyes and look up at his angered face.

"Percy Jackson. You defeated the evil Titan Lord a year ago and now you've been defeated by a glass of water. You need to get back into shape, Seaweed Brain."

He looks at me smugly and picks me up, carrying me like his bride, back to the couch. He points a finger at me and commands for me to "Stay."

I doze off and have a nightmare -a replay- of today's events.

"Annabeth! C'mon! Let's take some pictures in the photo booth!"

"Percy I-"

He pulls me in and snaps the curtains closed. We take multiple photos.

"All done!" He cries, sounding like a three year-old.

He hands me one and stuffs one into his wallet.

"Ooh! Pacsun! Annabeth! Can we go look! Pleeease?!" He asks with such a sparkling look in his eyes, I laugh.

"You go look, Perce. I'll be right back. I left my wallet in the car."

I walk back to the car, fiddling with my belt. The summer wind blows the curls out of my face and rustles the bushes in front of the mall. Suddenly, a bleeding gorgon explodes from the bushes. I panic because I notice it's bleeding from the lethal side. The gorgon knocks me over and tries to bite me. Percy rushes from the mall doors, yelling. Suddenly, a bitter taste fills my mouth and everything goes black.

"Annabeth! Annabeth! Wake up! Are you having a nightmare? Annabeth!"


"Yes! You kept kicking and yelling and I was worried!"

I notice his eye is a light shade of purple and he's whispering.

"Your eye! What happened?"

"Shhh. You punched me when I tried to wake you up."

"Oh, you Seaweed Brain! I'm sorry Perce."

He laughs and his eyes droop. It's dark in the room. It looks slightly familiar.

"Where are we?"

"Uh, my Mom was worried about you flipping out or getting hurt so we switched sleeping positions. You're in my room. My gods, that couch is stiff." He says, cracking his back. He hands me a mug with what looks like poison.

"What's this?"

"Oh, um, blue hot chocolate. I made in myself." He grins, sipping his hot chocolate.

I take a sip of mine and smile.

"This is really good!" I exclaim, and he blushes slightly.

"Uh, this sounds weird, because it's one in the morning, but do you want to have a camp fire?"

I grin and pick up one of his sweatshirts lying on the floor and we walk outside with our blue heaven in a mug.

Percy and Annabeth-Our Journey Through LifeWhere stories live. Discover now