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"Hey Mom, Dad."

"Peej!" Annabeth exclaims and pulls him into a hug.

It's been a few years since we saw him last. He moved to the other side of the country with Starr, so when I see him on the doorstep, I'm a little worried. He walks into the living room and sits down.

"I love you a lot, and I'm twenty now." He pulls out a little black box and sets it on the table. Annabeth starts crying and hugs him. I smile.

"Go get her, kid."


The new couple seems really happy. Felix goes to bed early and so does Paige, but Sicily and the two couples are still awake. We pop some popcorn and sit down for a Supernatural marathon. Annabeth's old habits return and she buries her face in my chest whenever something she considers scary happens. Starr does the same. Within the next two hours, Annabeth and Starr are asleep, but Sicily is still staying strong and awake, cheering for Sam and Dean. The wedding is set ten months from now. All my kids are grown up. Pj is getting married, Sicily is already 18, Felix is 15, and Paige is still 8, but growing up fast. I snap out of my feeling-sad-because-all-the-birdies-left-the-nest-daze when Pj announces he's going to bed. Apple doesn't fall far from the tree, I guess, because we both carry our wives the same way, in a bridal-carry fashion. I fall asleep to Sicily crying downstairs and screaming:



"Sicily! Felix! Paige! Hurry Up!" Annabeth calls upstairs. Sicily has her own car, but we give her a ride anyway. Throwing flip-flops, neck pillows, and bags into the trunk, we all pile in and Annabeth cranks the Classic Rock station all the way up. I fasten my seatbelt and we speed down the street.

"Ready for a wedding?"


Starr looks absolutely beautiful. Her white dress sparkles in the sunlight as she walks up to Pj. Annabeth sobs during the ceremony and I hold back tears. Afterward, we stop to take pictures and then everyone heads to the reception, which is the funnest part. It's in an old theatre with the stage as a dance floor, a balcony, a bar, and lots of tables for many guests. We have fun the whole time. Annabeth dances with Pj to 'Jeremiah Was A Bullfrog', I dance an extra dance with Starr to some song I don't know, but she sways to the music the whole time, so I go along with it. Sicily is half-asleep at the table and looking a little green after accidentally drinking some wine she thought was juice, Felix is talking to some girl and Paige has disappeared in the dancing crowd somewhere.

"What a time to be alive." I say to Annabeth, who is smiling brightly.


I fumble with my bag of peanuts. Annabeth takes them from me and opens them.

"Er, thanks."

She shakes her head and clicks her tongue. Sicily sits with Felix and Paige in the seats in front of us, and a man named Sam Halpert sits next to Annabeth, who is in the middle. I sit in the window seat.

"Hello, passengers! We are getting ready to land. Welcome to London!" Says the stewardess. We're coming to visit Pj and Starr, who moved after the wedding. I grab our bags and we call a cab.

Pj opens the door to their flat, and Annabeth screams when she sees Starr. It's just noticeable, but there's a tiny bump in Starr's stomach. She smiles and they hug all of us. We eat dinner and then look at the wedding photos. My favorites are the ones where the girls posed how they thought the guys would and vice versa. I catch Pj's eye and he smiles at me.


We're back at home just in time for Paige's ninth birthday, which we invite a few of her friends over for. They watch movies and build a fort in the living room, and we go to bed early. I drift off quickly, but open my eyes with a jolt when twelve girls scream downstairs. I grab Riptide from my nightstand and practically fall down the stairs when I see a medium-sized dragon setting our lampshade and curtains on fire. Sicily slashes at the creature and so does Felix, but he's smacked with the tail and flies across the room, slamming into our bookshelf and shattering glass everywhere. Annabeth jumps off the couch and climbs on the creature's back. It snaps at her with its jagged teeth and Sicily stabs it. It only rears up though and Annabeth flies off, slamming her head on our coffee table. Felix, cut and bleeding, rushes the girls outside with a limp. I slash the creature's head off and it turns to dust. Annabeth isn't moving, so I pick her up and put her in the backseat. Felix throws Sicily over his shoulder and throws her in next to Annabeth. I push Paige into the car and everyone else simply sits where there's room. Speeding to the hospital seems to take forever, but we eventually get there and I take Annabeth while Felix takes Sicily. They're immediately brought out of sight. Both of them are still unconscious and a nurse insists on taking Felix to get fixed up because of how badly he's bleeding.

"Girls, what did you see?"

"A rottweiler."

"Okay, uh, alright. I'm calling your parents to pick you up. Is anyone hurt?"

They all are fine and within 30 minutes everyone is picked up. Paige was badly slashed on both legs, so it's just me in the waiting room. I twiddle my thumbs with worry while I wait.

And wait

And wait

And wait

Finally Paige comes into the waiting room and hugs me. She needed stitches on her right leg, but it wasn't that bad on her left. All she needs is some 'proper attention' and she'll be fine, as the nurse put it. Felix emerges next, followed by Annabeth. No Sicily. I dial Pj's number, hoping he'll pick up because long-distance calls are expensive.

"Dad?" He asks blearily. It's late in London, I guess.

"Peej, sorry for waking you up, but I just wanted to let you know that a dragon attacked. Everybody is alright but still no report on Sicily." I whisper.

"Oh...oh gods. Alright. Keep me posted."

"Will do. How's Starr? Five months, right?"

"Yeah. Nearly six."

A nurse emerges with a concerned look on her face and strides toward us.

"Okay, well a nurse is coming, so I'll talk to you later. Bye, Peej."

"Bye, Dad."

"Hi, are you The Jacksons?"

"Yes." Annabeth says quickly, nervousness fluttering in her voice.

"Sicily is very badly bruised and her left arm and right leg are both broken, along with her nose. She's got a bad gash on her head so we're stitching it now."

"Is that all?"

"Well, when she, erm, fell, it looks like she severely twisted her ankle."

I sigh.

"Alright. How long does she have to stay?"

"Just to be cautious, about two weeks."

I nod and my phone rings in my pocket.


"What's wrong, Peej?"

"Something is really wrong with whatever prevents monsters from seeing us."

"I'll be there as soon as I can."

"Dad, you don't understand. They took Starr."


Please don't murder me. Also, don't forget to vote! I'm almost at 100! :D Sorry for slow updates. ;/ Stupid school. Anyway, I'm not sure when the next chapter will be posted because I've had a lot of homework for the past two weeks. If you remember what i told you about my story that's coming soon, The Final Four, I kinda wanted a cast for that story, so if you know any 13-15 year old models/actors that fit the following description, please message me with their names. 0w0

Kat-Red-head, I kinda want somebody who I can picture fighting.

Sam-Scrawny with Logan-Lerminish hair, except longer.

Chris-Blonde, fights frequently, has black wings. (I have a possible actress if this helps with comparison. It's Willow Shields.)

Jasper-Basically he needs to look like Nico.

I found a lot of possible actors, but they're too old. I know you guys are resourceful so if you can help me with this that would be great. I plan on maybe posting the story around January or February, but maybe later because I only have 5 chapters done. If you're reading after this chapter has been published and you still have a good idea, PLEASE message me anyway. Knowing me, it'll be done in January 2015. The point is, it doesn't matter if the messages are late because I can always recast. I don't bite, guys. You can message me for anything or even if you have a suggestion that doesn't perfectly match my characters, IT'S OKAY! Also, if you want to anonymously (or non-anonymously) confess something to me on my tumblr, that's cool too. Just skip all the awkwardness and talk to me. I know this AN was kinda long, so I'll see you guys next chapter!

(here's the link to my tumblr: http://www.tumblr.com/blog/istolemartinfreemanspoptarts)


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