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Pj is home now as the baby is due any day. He's helping take care of me and I'm happy he's back. I missed him so much, and so did Sicily and Felix. He makes Felix some pancakes while I hobble around the house, feeling awkward. Percy is gone at a swim championship for three more days, which scares me, as the baby is due in about five. After breakfast is made, Thalia takes Sicily shopping. Felix plays upstairs, while Pj and I watch a new episode of Doctor Who. I put my arm around his shoulder and pull him close. He reminds me of Percy, with his funny, but sweet personality. He laughs like the man I married when River Song shoots The Doctor's fez. Suddenly, I feel a sharp pain and grip Pj's arm with a sudden ferocity that makes him yelp. The smile melts and he calls Percy, then Thalia, then Nico, slightly panicked. Nico arrives immediately, having been ready to come just in case he needed to watch the kids. Thalia helps me into the car and we rush to the hospital, where Thalia checks me in. I'm crying because I just want Percy to be here, and she is freaking out Percy is, in fact, NOT here. Nico arrives at the hospital just as Thalia is screaming at Percy through the phone. I yell at Nico but all he wanted to do was drop Pj off and the other two kids are in the car. Pj sits in a soft chair while Thalia rubs his back gently, still screaming into the phone. I yell, and Pj looks mortified. Thalia gives him a one-armed hug, her other free hand used to be screaming at my husband. I laugh, and then I scream. ow.

Percy finally arrives. He comes in, sobbing.

"Percy! What's-" I pause to scream, "Wrong, sweetie?"

He just continues crying and I hold his hand.

Once the baby is finally born, I continue to hold his hand and take some pain meds.

"Percy? Please, Seaweed Brain, what's wrong?"

"I KNEW I should have stayed! I'm so sorry. I almost missed the birth of my child!"

"Oh, Perce." I say, reaching out my arms, my hospital bracelet sliding down my wrist. The polka-dotted hospital gown shifts as I sit up, my arms wrapped around his neck.

Pj walks in, looking scared. I'm sitting cross-legged in my bed, awkwardly hanging in a hug from Percy's neck. He lets me go and I hug Pj, who smiles and hugs me back tightly.

"What's her name, Mom?"

"Paige Thalia Jackson."

Thalia pokes her head in.

"Did you call for me?"

"No, but do you want to hold her?"


"Here. Here's Paige Thalia Jackson"

Thalia lets tears spill from her cheeks as she cradles the baby.

"She's beautiful."


Pj is back at camp, and Sicily will be going soon. For now, Percy is gone again and Sicile, Felix and Paige visit the small cafe Thalia has just opened. It's really cozy, with wifi and plush chairs and the constant smell of coffee beans. I order Sicily a medium decaf iced coffee and myself a pumpkin-spice latte. Thalia's apron swirls around her and she takes the money. A few other customers come and go, and we stay for about a half hour. When we get home, I have enough time to think it surprises me. I call Nico, who is at home for the time being.


"Hey, Nico."


"Yep. Listen, I was thinking, and, I want you to be the kids' godfather."

There's silence on the other end for a second.

"Okay. Is there a godmother?"

"Thalia Grace."

Percy and Annabeth-Our Journey Through LifeWhere stories live. Discover now