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When Pj gets home from camp, he looks even more like Nico. Because he was claimed, like Piper, his appearance changed. I'm not quite sure I like it though. I hope the other kids stay the same as they are now after they're claimed. Pj seems happy though, so we're okay with it, I guess.

I think about all of this while moving the sofa into the moving truck with Frank. Nico would've helped with the couch, but he dropped a bookshelf on his foot, so he's sitting on the lawn with a ziploc bag of ice and a dishtowel. Pj has been shadow traveling with Nico, just from the front yard to the back, so he's sleeping on the lawn next to his half-brother who dropped a bookshelf on his toes. And Pj wanted to be like Nico.

The sun is going down, and a red ladybug lands on Pj's nose. Annabeth comes outside, her blonde princess hair pulled back with a fabric headband, Paige balanced precariously on her hip. Sicily carries Paige's bed with the help of Piper, and Leo pushes open the door open behind them with his shoulder, carrying a box of Christmas decorations. Once everything is all packed up, the kids sit on the front lawn while Annabeth and I say goodbye to the house we brought all four children home to. She slips the keys to the house in her pocket.

"I think I'll make these into necklaces for the kids. Y'know. Just to remember." She says, stroking one of the uneven sides of a key.

We hug all of our friends who helped, and then we're Pennsylvania bound.


Annabeth likes her job, but I think she feels a bit homesick. One night, she admits this to me.

"I miss the way our clothes smelled like vanilla because baby Pj spilled a bottle of vanilla into the washer, and I miss Thalia's coffee shop, and all of our friends, and I miss your record-player-"

"I still have my record player."

"Yeah but you never use it any more. It's like we've changed. I mean, for the gods sakes, we're living out of boxes, Percy!"

"Summer is almost over. Then we can take the kids back home and drop off Pj and Sicily at camp and see everyone there."

"But it's not the same. I wish we would've stayed. I don't even like my job!"

"You don't?"

She glares at me.

"Percy, I tell you every day about my co-workers and spilling coffee on my clothes and my boss. Do you even listen any more?!"

"Wise Girl, of course I listen, and of course I care. I just thought you were happy here."

"I'm not! I hate it here, and I just want to go home. I've TOLD YOU about my day for the last two weeks and wanting to go home. Now, you say you've been listening, but you apparently haven't." She says, her voice getting louder.

"Annabeth, we can't move back yet. Just give it a try."

"Don't tell me to 'give it a try' when you know you hate it here! So do the kids! Let's just pack up and move back, Perce, please."

"Annabeth, I love you, but I think this is a little rushed. We'll give it time and try to adjust. We can move back in a year. How does that sound?"

"This isn't RUSHED! Did it ever occur to you that maybe the reason I want to go back is because you've been oblivious to my feelings since we moved?!"

"I have not!"

"When is Pj's birthday?"

"What?! Why does that matter?!"

"Because you've been oblivious to EVERYTHING since we got here! Just because you left your 'bros' doesn't mean you can act like a JERK all the time, Perseus!" I throw off the covers and slam the door behind me as I storm out of the house, throwing down our old house-key necklace to the ground as I start the car.


Pj looks confused when I come back three days later.

"Dad! Where were you?"

"Pj, not now." I snap.

He looks hurt.


"Out." I say, throwing my jacket on the coat hanger and going upstairs to bed.

Sicily sobs on the stairs. My face softens when I see her, and reach out a hand to touch her, but all she does is smack it away.


Sicily looks up at me, her eyes puffy.

"I don't want to be like you any more."

She whispers, then runs to her room.



D: Sorry for that last part. It might have given you feels. DON'T WORRY I WILL FIX PERCABETH!!! :D Now that all the kids are born, I'm slowing down the story a bit. Not as many age-jumps. 3 chapters in a day! Woohoo! :3 Thanks for reading and opinions are greatly appreciated!

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