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Edit: Please, please, please remember the names I chose come in very early in the story, and I've had a few people comment on them. Just remember, some authors name characters after their own family members or friends. If you aren't careful, you could be insulting the authors themselves. (Eek!) I put a lot of work into this story, so I'd just appreciate it if people would stop commenting on the names. I decided them from the start, so I'm sorry if you don't agree with them, but it would be a bit difficult for me to go through and edit every time a character is mentioned. PJ is named after my idol, so just remember it's not always the best idea to pick at names. Thanks.


Four year-old Pj races around the house, jumping up and down and shouting at Annabeth.

"NO!" He screams and runs away before Annabeth can force him into pants.

"This had better be a phase!" She shouts over screaming Jackson children. I scoop up Pj and tell him that if he wants to walk outside with no pants on, he can, but girls will stare at him.

He puts on some pants.


Nico watches Sicily while Annabeth goes to her checkup and I take Pj to the dentist. (Which he hates) I get a call from Annabeth on the way out.

"Perce! I'm pregnant again!"

"Oh Annabeth, That's great!"

"How was Peej?"

"Pj was Pj."

She laughs and we talk for a few minutes before hanging up. Nico is sitting on his front porch with Sicily on one knee, pointing at the sky and talking to her.

"Pj, I'll be right back. You stay here." I say, getting out of the car.

"Hullo." Nico says, in his usual monotone voice. "I'll get her stuff."

He hands her to me and heads inside, his screen door slamming. Nico lives in a small blue house on his own. He doesn't have much furniture because he's in the Underworld a lot these days. He sticks his head out and hands me her bag with a smile.

"I can take her any time. You guys having any more kids?"

"Actually, yes. Annabeth just found out she's pregnant again."

"Ah. Congrats! See ya, Perce."

"Thanks. Bye!"


Smelling like chlorine from the indoor pool, I step into the house. Pj runs to me, tugging on my sleeve. Snow dots my hair and my clothes are a little damp, but I pick him up anyway.

"Mummy went with Aunt Thalia. Uncle Nico is here."

"Where did she go?" I say, worried. The baby's not not due for another three weeks.

"Hospital. She looked sick."

"Nico?" I call.

He emerges from the hall with his jacket still on, looking distraught. There's a binkie stuck in his hood and he's holding Sicily, who has on only one sock and is tugging on his black hair. He frowns and tells me what happened.

"Annabeth called me, crying. I came over right away. She said she thought she was going to have the baby and then said to call Thalia. I tried to call you but it went to voicemail."

"Oh, no. You okay with them for a while?"

"Ow! Here, play with this, not my hair." He says to little Sicily, handing her a plastic fish, which she presumes to throw at his eye. "Yeah, I'll be fine here."


I burst into the hospital, asking for Annabeth Jackson. Neither her nor Thalia will answer the phone, and I'm worried.

"Oh, sorry sweetie. She came in with her friend. She looked really sick. Think she was going into labor. She's just been admitted into a C-section."


I'm not allowed into the operating room, which scares me. I sit with my head in my hands. Nico and Thalia change positions. Nico speaks words of encouragement and pats my back, but it doesn't help. I end up falling asleep in the chair, worried sick.

When I wake up, Thalia sits next to me, frazzle-haired and red-eyed, staring at the wall.

"She okay?"


"Thalia Grace I swear-"

"Percy, she's fine. The baby was premature. They had to do a C-section because his heart wasn't strong enough."

"Okay, His?, and why are you using past-tense words to describe my son?"

"They're fine. I'm just a little tired."

"Okay. Where are they?"

"In there. They won't let me in, but the doctor said they should be okay."

"Gods. I'm going to see if I can get in yet."

"You won't be able to."

"How do you know?"

"Because I had been sitting down for about thirty seconds when you woke up."

I sigh, sitting back down.

Nico texts me a picture.

I open it. It's a picture of baby food in a jar.

Thalia leans over and looks at it, then laughs hysterically at the caption he put.

'Percy, I can't open it. :('

I laugh too, which feels good.

Thalia's crying and shaking with silent laughter.

I reply:

'Jar opener in cabinet above fridge. Annabeth's okay and so it the baby. C-section, It's a boy!'

He texts back a picture of Sicily eating to proudly show me that he opened the jar.

'Great! Congrats! BTW, what's a C-section? I know, I'm clueless.'

I respond:

'Give it a google.'

After about five minutes, he responds.

'Gross. :P'

I laugh and we continue texting back and forth until the doctor comes out, telling us we can see Annabeth. Thalia and I rush in to a smiling Annabeth holding the baby.

"So, Wise Girl, what's his name?"

She whispers in my ear.

"I like it!" I smile, and Thalia scowls.

"You Jacksons are SO stubborn."

"His name is Felix Nico Jackson."

I smile, and Thalia takes a picture on her demigod-safe mobile phone, courtesy of Leo Valdez.

Felix giggles and Thalia smiles.

Man, we Jacksons are one cute bunch.


Hai. I gave Nico and the kids some bonding time xD He seems so lonely all the time. D: Anyway, how d'you like it? :D If you have any questions, let me know! Thanks!

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