Chapter 1 - Alastair from Leeds

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The sun was starting to scorch my back. It was a dry, sizzling sensation which made it feel as if the surface of my skin was slowly, inch by inch, set on fire.

I rolled over, tossing my book to my side and shifting the striped towel beneath me so it still lay flat and comfortable. Exhaling slowly, I allowed my body to settle, adjusting my straw hat so it covered my face. I was starting to relax my muscles to the comforting sounds of the beach. The sound of the waves pounding down onto the flat water beneath them and the call of the seagulls circling picnicking tourists made me feel at home.

But, my tranquil moment was short-lived when I heard the sound that would trigger the decline of my peace. It was the unmistakable sound of the gorilla boys who unfortunately also inhabited this section of the beach.

"It's looking good out there today, just a bit choppy," Noah's characteristic drawl spoke loudly. It was unmissable despite the handful of metres between us.

"We should have come earlier, I told you the wind forecast never lies." Ah, that was the one and only Logan Mathews. I cracked open an eyelid to peek at them, raising the brim of my hat enough to make out their figures.

Noah and Logan were both similar in appearance, but probably a few miles away in intellectual ability. Both were tanned to a deep brown colour and both spent too much time obsessing over their bodies, which was reflected by their prominent abdomens - which they were all too happy to show off. Noah was a little more approachable, always rendering a smile.

Logan, on the other hand, was the epitome of a widely loved, pedestal gracing golden boy. He had literal golden hair, icy blue eyes, an annoyingly charming smile and was stupidly good at everything he did. I would know, we spent our entire high school lives competing with each other to be top of the class in maths, or to hold the school record for the fastest fifty metre breast-stroke. And no matter how hard I tried, he always seemed to come out on top.

Noah was a little more laid back, and admittedly a little more likeable. Still, he possessed the same stupid humour and cocky confidence as Logan. But he at least made an effort to be kind.

"Hey, is that Valerie?" Noah yelled in recognition when he noticed me in my usual reading spot. I sighed and raised my hand to acknowledge the two boys. No, not boys, gorillas. I'd given them the name one day when I'd noticed their particularly primal behaviour.

"Hi, Vally," Logan called out obnoxiously. I shot them both a look between annoyance and amusement. I didn't bother to correct Logan that it was 'vah-ler-ie'. I'd given up on that several years ago. I knew that taking any of their antagonisation to heart would only inflame the situation.

Neither of them attempted to join me, to my satisfaction. No, they didn't hesitate to run out into the turbulent waves to try and show off their surfing moves. Every now and again I sat up to watch them, crossing my fingers in the hopes that I could witness Logan screw up and embarrass himself. But he never did.

It was the first day of summer break. Which was why my skin was burning so easily, despite the multiple layers of sunscreen I had applied. It took a while for it to build resistance after being confined to a classroom throughout the year. Although the beach was always at my doorstep, literally, I never got the chance to fully embrace it during school, I was much too busy with homework or extra-curricular activities.

I had reclaimed my book and was just starting to find my mind absorbing to the plot of my current adventure novel when I felt my phone buzz in my beach bag beside me. I mentally reminded myself not to take it with me to read on the beach again. 

My annoyance was hindered a little, though, when I noticed it was a message from my best friend, Maisie.

Hey, OMG I just saw the HOTTEST boy I have EVER seen (not even exaggerating). Must be a townie, come over later so we can track him down.

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