Chapter 9 - Merry Christmas

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"I couldn't help but note your absence last night, Sullivan."

Today was Christmas Eve, and also Sunday. Although I wouldn't say I craved his company, I was interested to see Alastair after his non-appearance the night before. But, he didn't appear at my usual reading spot - which I'd resumed in it's usual place this morning. This wasn't unusual, he'd only appeared there twice before, but I was expecting him to approach me with some kind of explanation.

I was beginning to suspect I'd have to resort to tracking him down when he thankfully appeared at the ice-cream parlor about one hour into my shift. Today it was just Mallory and I, as it had been for most of my afternoon shifts. I hadn't been scheduled on with Daniel since she'd started working, it was either a morning shift by myself or training up Mallory in the afternoon. 

Maisie wasn't fond of this schedule, she'd insisted that I watch them together and report back any suspicious activity, but I told her that was unrealistic and frankly overboard. She was one step away from buying binoculars and spying on them from the nearby clock tower.

I noticed Alastair's pink face, which had dulled slightly since yesterday, pacing up to the counter with his usual confident posture and charismatic smile. When I'd addressed him, he looked slightly like a child caught misbehaving by his parents.

"My apologies O'Conner, I expect that you missed my company dearly." His accent made the words sound even more formal, and I laughed a little.

"About as much as I'd miss a root canal procedure," I told him. "But really, where were you?"

"Oh, are you my mother now? Or over protective girlfriend?"

I searched the counter for something to throw at him but it probably wasn't a good idea to set a bad example to our new employee. He was avoiding the question though, which was bothering me a little. 

"Hey there, Mallory," Alastair said with his usual charm. Mallory had just come from the back room with a fresh tub of raspberry swirl.

"Oh, uh, hi." She blushed as a few curls fell across her eyes. She was really pretty, with a cute round face and intense green eyes. She was also underage, which I hoped Alastair noted.

I was itching to tell Alastair what happened last night, with Logan offering his hand to me. Nothing else notable happened after that, he hung around his friends and I hung around mine. I did happen to notice though, that Zoe and him went home separate ways. This reassured me that them together was a scenario that I wouldn't have to worry about for a while. If they started dating, I don't know what that would mean for me, especially when I was putting myself out there so much.

Even though Alastair's predictions were a little hard to believe, I was interested to know his perception of what happened. It would help me draw my own conclusions to what Logan's actions implied.

"When's your break, Val?" He asked.

I looked to Mallory, uncertain as to whether she would be able to work on her own for half an hour or so. Usually I was taking my breaks in the back room, but if Alastair wanted to talk then we'd have to go elsewhere. 

As if reading my mind, Mallory gave me a kind little smile. "I think I'll be okay on my own for a bit if you want to go."

Well, I guess she'd have to learn some time soon. "I'll take my break now then."

"Great, then I'll have one rainbow ice-cream on a sprinkled cone and two scoops of chocolate mint ice-cream in a plain one."

I smiled as I made the order, we were starting to create some kind of routine with these particular ice-creams. Mallory took his money (along with his hefty tip) and quizzed me on a few questions before I left with him. She looked confident to work by herself, so at least I wasn't leaving her as a nervous wreck.

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