Chapter 5 - Valerie's on the Market

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"Logan," he told me. "That's who you're going to date."

A small amount of ice-cream found itself coming out of my mouth as I choked back strangled laughter. I couldn't audibly protest, so instead I shook my head back and forth briskly, trying to mop up the cold creamy substance with my fingers.

Although Alastair had honoured his word and left me alone at the beach this morning, he'd annoyingly shown up at my ice-creamery shift this afternoon and insisted on joining me on my break. It was a busy afternoon, and nearby the bench we sat on a few children played with a Frisbee while their family picnicked on the lawn. I'd made sure we were a satisfactory distance from work, so Daniel couldn't get any ideas to report back to Maisie.

"Think about it, you two know each other really well, there's already tension there. All you need to do is bring the flame and I'm sure it will ignite."

"You're forgetting that I despise him," I reminded.

"Come on, Valerie," he reasoned. "You don't truly despise him. You're lying to yourself if you think you do."

I thought about it, taking another carefully bite of the rainbow ice-cream before replying. "Okay, maybe I don't despise him. But if you're intending on me giving someone a chance, having it thrown back in my face won't be the best outcome for you."

"That's why you have to trust me." He bit the side of his cone. He'd insisted on getting us ice-creams, which led to Daniel giving us suggestive looks as he served us. I would have to make up some explanation about that later. This probably wouldn't end well if my secret interactions with Alastair were blown.

"Why would I trust you?" I questioned.

"I haven't given you any reason not to, have I?"

I guess he had a fair point. It still didn't quench the uneasy feeling growing in my gut.

"Now, the first part of the plan," he began.

"We're constructing a plan?" I asked. Surely we weren't going to such extreme lengths?

"Sure are, and the first step should be easy."

"And what would that be?"

"Organising a meet-up tonight, with everyone, but not a the beach. Maybe a pub or something?"

He was right, it would be easy. Because it was summer, everyone would be down for a meet-up. Also, pretty much everyone, save for the lower year level, were of age. I quickly thought of the best place.

"We could meet at Sandy Cove Hotel?" I suggested. It had a nice little pub with a pool table and other entertainment factors.

"Sounds great. If you need an excuse, just say Lottie and I are keen to hang out again," he remarked. "She's already going stir crazy from no social contact."

I nod, already typing out a group text. Although I was not exactly enthusiastic about carrying out my part of the deal, I liked the idea of catching up with everyone again. I loved the little beach themed pub I'd grown up by, it was the perfect place to meet up casually for the evening. I also had the small belief that Alastair wouldn't pressure me into doing anything if I pleaded otherwise, which reassured me.

"Are you going to tell anyone about the deal?" Alastair asked. He scrunched up the paper from his ice-cream and successfully managed to lob it into the metal bin nearby.

"Probably," I admitted. "I'll end up telling Maiz, whether it be soon or later on, I don't think I've ever not told her something."

"You're really lucky to have a friend like that," he pointed out.

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