Chapter 15 - The Rules of Dating

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That was my response to Logan. Okay. Okay we're going to try? Okay I don't care? Even I didn't know what it meant.

"Earth to Valerie," Maisie's voice sung from the phone. I'd accidently zoned out, probably because she was talking about Daniel again.

"Sorry, I think the phone line was having trouble," I lied. I just didn't want to listen to her repeat herself about him for the thousandth time.

"Well, clearly you didn't hear the last part. Logan called me."

I had been sipping a cup of juice, and at her words I accidently spat half a mouthful out. Why would Logan call Maisie? "Why?!"

"Wait for it... He wanted dating tips."

"Dating tips?"

"Yep." Maisie must have stepped outside because now I heard wind blowing static over the phone. I tried desperately to soak up the spilled apple juice with a wad of tissues. "I wasn't going to tell you and let him surprise you but I thought it would help. Clearly he's taking this seriously, Val. He's really trying."

"Well, what did he want to know?"

"He wanted ideas of what you guys could do as a date so it wasn't too full on for you. And I think he's come up with something sweet. Really, Val, you have to take this seriously."

Take this seriously. Wasn't I taking this seriously already? Immediately I knew the answer. No. Every time I was confronted with Logan I either bounced off his advances or retorted with sarcastic or bitchy comments. I wasn't oblivious enough to not see that I was being difficult. But the deal with Alastair was off, what incentive did I have to take this seriously anymore?

But, if I wasn't taking it seriously, what made me agree in the first place with that text?


"Yeah, I know Maiz," I sighed. I hadn't thought into it much but clearly Logan liked me. Or at least was pretending to, as far as I knew it was another scheme to make my life hell.

"Promise me that you will take it seriously at least?" She asked with a small voice. "I know I'm not Alastair and we don't have a deal, but he rang me up because he knew that I would know what would be best. He is putting so much effort into this afternoon."

"This afternoon?" I repeated, my voice laced in panic.

"He didn't tell you?"


"Well, I'm sure he'll get to that. Anyway, don't change the subject. Promise me?"

I guess it was kind of messed up how I needed promises and agreements to interact with Logan. "Promise."

It didn't take long to hear from Logan. It was just after lunch when I got the text. I was kind of glad it was a text, not a phonecall, because I doubted I could form words with the nerves I was feeling. Of course it made sense that I was nervous, if he was asking me on a date this afternoon, then it was my first real date. Considering how terrified it made me to be opening up to someone, dating was going to make me nervous as hell.

Date. 4pm. Meet at the Esplanade by the ice-cream shop.

Well, at least he didn't give me any option to disagree. It made it easier that I didn't have to admit my agreement, either. It was nicely done.

No time to debate what to wear, no time to dance around to girly music and daydream about all of the romantic scenarios, not when my mind was churning with terrifying thoughts. I was under my blankets, I hadn't even bothered to take my breakfast dishes to the sink since Maisie's call. I needed someone to pull me from the anxiety arising from all of this, but Maisie was working at the florists so I couldn't contact her.

Not Another Summer Love StoryOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora