Epilogue (And a lot of thank yous)

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]No one's Point of View[

As Katniss dreamed in her dimension, Kat danced on the football field, and Prim secretly snuck out to see Rory (Unknown to her mother and sister, and to the author...0.o) , there was one person who had yet to have her happy ending.

Bonnie walked away from the high school, her briefcase in hand, her eyes trained on the horizon.

Everything turned out right for Katniss. She was returned to her rightful dimension, and the other Katniss was brought back as well. They both had lives to return to, things to live for.

Bonnie didn't.

In her rightful dimension she was dead. Snow killed her that day in the woods, both her and her teacher Twill were murdered by a hovercraft. But something happened as the spear entered Bonnie's stomach, she felt as though she were leaving her body. It wasn't just her dying, but her being transported to the other dimension.

So what does she do now?

Nobody in this dimension seemed to know her, so she couldn't find her way home. Did she even have a home? Who would take her in? What would she do? She was only fourteen, it wasn't like she could live on her own.

Both Katniss's had a happy ending. But what about her? In the end, she was the hero of the entire story, the one who saved others. Her repayment: A long walk to nowhere.

With nowhere to go, and no one to look for her, Bonnie had a new kind of freedom she hadn't felt before. This was her repayment: Freedom. Freedom from the awful living conditions she'd had, freedom from a life of being teased by her classmates for her birthmark, freedom from a world without her few wonderful friends who had been killed during the rebellion.

She had the freedom to find herself a new place to keep her heart. The freedom to find a new home.

And in the end, that's all Bonnie ever wanted. Freedom.

Maybe this is her happy ending after all.



"Thank You's"
I just wanted to thank a few people as I mark this story as complete. This is my longest story, a total of 26 parts, exceeding my previous record of 19 parts. I'm actually very proud of this story, and I hope you all enjoyed it as much as I enjoyed writing it. On to the thank yous!

      -Thank you everyone who guest starred in the story, you made it much more interesting and much more fun to write! This includes: @XDaisyXlove @maddog417 @PrettyLittleLiess @jessica_mellark21 @Rockstar4682
Special thank you to Sarah (@DaPigz) for being my real life friend and being awesome in general. I think she was the first person to read the first chapter before it was published... Yea.
    -Thank you to Suzanne Collins for writing the best book in the world. Like, seriously, I love Suzanne Collins, she's my favorite author and writing inspiration.
       -Finally I want to give a big sloppy digital-kiss to all my readers! I love you guys so much, without you this story would've been a awkward chapter sitting on Wattpad's database being all lonely and making me feel bad about myself. So thank you for not making this chapter lonely and not making me sad! Thankyouthankyouthankyouthankyouthankyouthankyou!
    -Want more monteydog goodness? I currently have up a short story called Katniss Reads the Hunger Games, and a full length one called Mental Games. I've mapped out another HG fan-fic, and I'm juggling around a couple ideas for original stories. Fan me if you want to stay updated. But I will warn you that it's probably gonna be a month or so until I get my crap together enough to actually post something
      -I love you, thank you a billion times! I gives you all Internet hugz and kissez!
     -Want to help get a story out faster? In the comments tell me your favorite genre of story out of Mystery, Supernatural, or Sci Fi.
~Montey <3
P.S: Don't you love what I tagged for this? XP 

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