The Car

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QOFD: You focus so much on the negatives in life that you fail to see the hidden blessings, because in life we are too busy staring at the thorn rather than appreciating the beauty of a rose.

Chapter 36: The Car

Ahmed was studying in higher Secondary School his was 4miles away from his school so he and most of his friends used to take a bus to go to the school.

Ahmed wished that he too had a car as he used to see many of his classmates
going to school in their own cars. But his parents could not afford to buy a car because of his father's income was very
less and he had 2 more brothers apart from him in his family.

But Ahmed never complend to his father after it but form inside his heart he used to feel very sad. Ahmed had a classmate called farhan.

Farhan was a very good student he
used to always get first class in the school. Ahmed liked farhan for his kind and gentle nature towards others. But as
all the children used to go by bus or cars farhan used to go walking to the school.

Once on a raining day as Ahmed and
his friends were waiting at the bus stop for the bus to come they saw farhan passing by as he too was going to school. Ahmed told farhan to wait for the bus because it was about to come but farhan said that before that he had to go somewhere and continued to walk.

Ahmed found it quite strange but keept quite about it. This happened a couple of
times and now Ahmed was curious to know why was it that farhan never took a bus but rather perfared to walk.

One bay he planed to visit farhans house so he told his mother to accompany her she agreed to go with him to farhans place as they nocked farhans door one of his sister opened the door for them.

Farhans house was very small with no much things in it his father had died and his mother used to take care of him and six 5 sister's by working in people's houses as a maid.

When Ahmed asked about farhan his mother told him that they can not afford him to send in a bus as they were very poor.

Ahmed feels ashamed of himself that in spite of having a good house and a comfortable leaving he used to be sad
looking at the things which others had and not being greatfull to Allah for his numerous favours that he had given him
.If only Ahmed knew this hadith his would have been the most happiest person on earth.

Hadith :

You should look at those who are lower than you then to those who are more than you.
Ref Bukari kit ad Al Adab#8

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