Chapter Twenty Four

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The foul stench of the carcasses engulfs me making me have the desire to gag. The women's stringy blonde hair lies dead upon her bony  shoulders. Her dead eyes lie in her decomposing sockets. Her mouth hangs ajar. Clothes hang off her body, you can tell the color was white at one point but now is stained blood red.

I couldn't peel my eyes from the women. I would not- could not, look in the direction of the man. The condition of the women alone, makes my mind go blank. Frightened cannot even paint the picture that is  splattered across my face.

Faint sparks tingly my elbow and Xander then forces me into a chair the opposite side of the table. I sit across from the women, the man diagonal to me, and Xander next to me. 

The creepy sound of the grandfather clock that sits across the room jolts me back to reality.  I snap my head to Xander. He holds my  right hand with eagerness.

I move my mouth to speak, but nothing comes out but a breath of air.

"Aren't they great Arabella? They love you!" Xander tells me, his eyes bright. The familiar feeling of being nauseous comes to me. I swallow the feeling and I then find myself tearing up a little. He feels as if he is opening up to me, I know. I used to read books after I was done with my assigned job back up at my old pack. I have read about this-once.

I find myself wanting to comfort him. My heart reaches out to him. "Xander," I grab is left hand with both my hands and turn my body towards him. "You're parents, they aren't here.  They're gone. They are dead. They are in a better plac-"

Xander throws my hands away from him and stands up, "You're lying!"

He then starts pacing back and fourth. Never would I have thought, someone so strong to be so weak. From my time of staying here, I have come to know him. I have figured out that everything is a façade. He wants to appear strong, wants his pack to place above others, and he kills. He kills, not because he is strong, but is afraid. Man takes actions out of fear, not knowledge. And I have come to realize this, I have come to realize his weakness. Six days.

"Xander you are perceiving your parents to be alive . It is your brains way of coping with your parents death." I look at him with sorrowful eyes.

"No that can't be," he states in denial. He squeezes his eyes tightly for a couple seconds then opens them. His eyes display horror and he stumbles backwards into the wall. His eyes stay focused on where his decomposing parents lay.

Then his eyes grew hard, his exterior walls building up. He tears his eyes away and swiftly walks over to his parents and pushes them out of the chairs. A big growl escapes is mouth and his eyes turn as black as his heart.

It isn't him in control anymore. He snaps his head towards me and a growl slices the dead silence in half. I shake wear I sit and cautiously stand up. He growls again and a hearing of bones snapping makes me cringe. His nice button down shirt is now in shreds, and claws grow out of his hands. His sharp fangs elongate.

I stare at him horrified. He begins to stalk towards me and I slowly move around so we stand at opposite sides of the table.

I know that this may be the end because no one who has seen him in wolf form survives. But I just need to ask one question...

Please read below!!!!



I am so so so sorry for taking forever to update! But before you readers are mad at me I just could not write anymore tonight so I will continue this chapter tomorrow!


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