Chapter 30

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"We're losing her!"


"Come on, stay with us!"


My heart beats slow.

My breaths shallow.

Blood pooling out of my slightly parted mouth.

People bellowing orders out.

I hear sounds around me.

Then the orders turn into screams. Screams of my pack. I look down at myself, only to find I am wearing the same white night gown I was wearing the night I was captured. The night gown is pristine, just like my body. I walk over to my window and see green eyes staring down at me from below. I automatically know who this is. Xander.

I begin to run, but it feels as if I am not moving. As if I am running in place. I then feel rough hands caressing my hands. I spin my body around to face my mate.

I want to bring my hands up to fight him, push him away, but I can't. My arms seem to be glued to my side.

Xander then speaks, "Rob!"

He says something else, but for some reason I cannot make it out. I give him a confused look. I go to speak, but nothing comes out.

All the sudden scorching pain shoots down my neck. Tears stream down my face, Xander now gone, but my pain still present.

Tingles run throughout my hand, but looking down on it, nothing seems to be there.

Suddenly I feel something with a point go into my arm, injecting a fluid.

I then start falling from my room into what seems to be a black hole.

Suddenly it feels as if I got hit by a truck, my body hurting all over.

"That's it Arabella, now I just want you to slowly open your eyes," A voice I don't recognize encourages.

I try to open my eyes, but it feels as if someone stapled them together. As if cement was attached to both my eyelids. I now feel the wetness on my cheeks of my fallen tears from before.

"You can do it, just follow the sound of my voice," The same voice speaks

My eyes ever so slowly begin to open, letting brightness engulf me.

I blink my eyes a few times to get used to the feeling.

I am in a hospital, I know that much. The pale blue wall stares at me in the face, along with the cheesy flower photo hanging upon it. I go to turn my head to take in my surroundings, but the pain in my neck halts me. I wince, tears spring at the corners of my eyes with pain.

I guess Xander realizes this because the tingles from my hand leave. He now stands in front of me looking very disheveled. His black hair which once neatly swiped along his forehead, is now unruly and down to his shoulders. Stubble grows upon his jawline, as if he hasn't shaved in a week. Dark circles lay under his eyes, in other words, he looks almost as bad as I do.

His muscles have gotten larger though, and are now bulging out of his shirt more so than before. This is probably because when a werewolf's mate is pregnant or injured, the male wolf naturally becomes stronger in order to protect their mate from any danger.

The Doctor, I'm assuming, hands me a paper cup with water. I take it greedily, sipping it's contents. It hurts when I swallow, but right now I am too thirsty to care.

The Doctor eyes me, waiting to finish. The doctor has a buzzed hair cut with dirty blonde hair. His stubble is dotted with grey and small wrinkles sit upon his face, giving off his age. He must be around middle age, around fifty or so. He wears a white coat that hangs down his knees. The doctor holds a clip board at his side.

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