[] Tamaki Suoh: Je T'aime.

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Tamaki x prettiehonie11.

This is for a great friend of mine! Please follow her since she's awesome! ^U^ so this is for Rose, hope you like it cause I worked hard on it!

"Ooh, what about this one?"

"It's beautiful, princess. Just like the others..."

You looked over at you best friend, and instantly noticed his tired expression. You both have been at the mall for hours, in one store, but you couldn't pick what dress you wanted more. Tamaki didn't seem too happy to be surrounded by girly things, but you knew he wouldn't dare think of hurting your feeling, so he didn't say anything.

"Tamaki, you know you can go, right? It's not like I'm holding you hostage." You smiled, lowering the (f/c) dress as you watched Tamaki's expression change into a happy one.

"Are you sure, princess? It wouldn't be polite to leave a lady, and who knows, maybe some guy will harass you but I'm here!"

"Just go, Tamaki. I'm a big girl, I can take care of myself." You roll your eyes, reaching into your purse and grabbing your wallet, then gave Tamaki a 20 dollar bill, "At least go and get us something to eat..I'll meet you at the food court in a few minutes. Okay?"

Tamaki took the bill hesitantly, nodding. "Fine, but just call if you're in the need of your protector, Rose-Chan! " then he ran off.

You stared at his retreating form until he was completely out of sight, before sighing and continuing to look at dresses. The truth was you were shopping for the perfect dress to impress your dramatic friend: why? Simple...you were madly in love with him. But you didn't hate Haruhi, of course not, you just envied her. You would have to watch Tamaki hug her and cuddle her with affection, and though she would get upset, you still thought they were a match.

Even Kyoya tried to tell you Haruhi and Hikaru had a thing! You were just blinded by love to see the truth.

"Why can't you just realize that I love you, senpai?" You mutter to yourself, as you pull a dress from its place in the rack: it was a silk, peal while short sleeved dress, and had a (f/c) cloth where is lowly cut, like an undershirt. Huh, it reminded you so much of Tamaki, in a way..

Do you think he'd like it? You ask yourself mentally. "Why what a beauty, miss. I bet you'll look lovely in it." A voice spoke from behind up, and you turned around to see one of the women who worked there. "Oh, you do? I looks like it would be too much.."

The woman raised her eyebrows, tilting her head to look into your big brown eyes. "It's the boy, isn't it? My, you sure know how to pick a man." She giggled, and you cheeks flushed. "No, he's j-just a friend.." you say, maybe too quickly it was obvious you liked him.

"Just friends? What has this world came to: teenagers are more oblivious than ever! Young lady..why don't you just tell that fine young man? I'm sure he'll return your feelings"

"I-I..he like another girl. And I'm too afraid of rejection, he means too much to me. I'd father just be friends than ruin our great friendship." You smile widely, and raised the dress by a inch, "But what do I got too lose? Everything..so I hope you're right."

You then followed the woman to the counter to buy the dress.

.short time skip.

"Tamaki, can I tell you something?" Tamaki glanced at you, since you had suddenly asked him that, but he still nodded. "Of course, Rose, what is it?" You swung the fancy paper bag that held the dress inside, and you swallowed your nervousness. "I have been wanting to tell you this for a while now, but, I always get too nervous and chicken out. But not this time, I'm going to tell you before it's too late. The truth is Je T'aime, Tamaki!"

You both stopped walking, and the blonde stared down at you with wide eyes, face turning red quickly. Your brown eyes stared back at him, cheeks pink with embarrassment, and your knuckles turned white from how tightly you gripped the handles of the bag.

"Y-you do, princess?" Tamaki stuttered, and you quickly nodded.

"I love you, too, Rose-Chan! You don't know how much in relieved to know you feel the same way! Oh you look so cute blushing like that!!" Tamaki was suddenly hugging you tightly, rubbing his cheek against yours like he did with Haruhi at times.

Looks like everyone was right after all..

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