[] Hitachiin Twins: Games.

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Hikaru x Reader x Kaoru.

"Hi, do you wanna play with me?" A young (e/c) eyed girl asked the two auburn haired twins, who were sitting on a bench holding each others gloved hands. "Who are you talking to? Hikaru, or Kaoru?" The twin on the left asked.

She blinked in confusion, before smiling widely, "Both of you, silly!" She giggled.

"How about we play a game first: you can guess who's Hikaru and who's Kaoru, if you tell us apart, we'll play with you." The one of the left said. It fell silent as the little girl stared at them. "I haven't talked to you before, so how would I know? It's not really fair. How about we get to know each other over building a snowman? Maybe we'll be friends so that I can tell who's who later on! What do ya think?"

The set of eyes glanced at each other, before the right twin smiled slightly at the (h/c) haired girl. "Okay, I'm Hikaru." "And I'm Kaoru. Who are you?" She made a quick not that Hikaru sounded older than Kaoru, "I'm (Name)! Now come on and let's play together! We can have snowball fights, do snow angels, build a family of snowmen!-" the twins listened as (Name) pulled them off the bench and through the park, where they would play.

That was a day they will never forget.

"Hikaru? Hikaru?" Hikaru's eyes opened instantly, looking up at see Kaoru standing in front of him. "Class is over, you must have been daydreaming since I've called you three times. Is something wrong?" Kaoru asked, worry in his eyes. The older twin shook his head, "No, I'm fine. I was just thinking about (Name) again."

Kaoru let out a sigh. "I miss her, too, Hikaru. But she said she'd be back from America in a month, and she left last month, so she'll be back any day now. Just be patient."

"I know.." "We need to get going or we'll be late, and Tamaki will throw a fit again." With that, the two headed out of the classroom and to Music Room 3, where their 'family' awaited.

.time skip to the next day.

"Mistress (Name), we have arrived." Your driver called as the limo came to a halt in front of Ouran, and you instantly jumped out when your door opened. "Thanks, Thomas! See you after school!" Then you ran off toward your school as Thomas chuckled at your excitement. You couldn't wait to see the twins again!

You shoved your way past all the students to get to your first class, which you share with Hikaru and Kaoru. You and the twins were best friends, and ever since you befriended them that winter day when were children, you kept noting all the differences you found about between them, and have been waiting for the perfect day you'll tell them who's who, just like you promise all those years ago.

As you were thinking about the twins, you slammed into someone. You staggered backward, about to fall back until a hand grabbed your wrist to steady you. "Woah, thanks! I wasn't paying attention and- Hikaru! Kaoru!"

Huh, you seemed to have bumped into Kaoru, though Hikaru was the one to save you from a the pain of the ground. "(Name), we missed you!" They both cried, hugging you tightly. You let out a giggle when they kissed your cheeks, Kaoru your right, Hikaru your left. "Aw I missed you guys, too!! Even though you two can be so annoying.." you tease, smirking as the twins pout.

"Oh yeah, I'm ready to play the game with you! I think I got which one is Hikaru and Kaoru," you smile. They both pull away and stare at you, then Kaoru shakes his head, "Nah, that game doesn't matter anymore," "Because we have all we want right here~ You~" Hikaru cooed, and you were, once again, tackled by hugs.

"Guys! Haha, let go or we'll be late for class!" You laughed.

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