[] Ritsu Kasanoda: Asking Out A Hostess.

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Kasanoda x Hostess! Reader.
And sorry if Kasanoda is OOC, I don't really know how he'd act in this kind of stuff..

"K-Kasanoda-senpai? Is there something wrong?"

You stared at the red headed male standing in front of you, your (e/c) orbs shining in slight confusion. Kasanoda had pulled you asked from your job as the Host Club Hostess, and was going to tell you how he felt about you, but he just became nervous.

He hesitantly stood straight and gathered all his courage. "(Name), I-I just wanted to say that you're a great Hostess." What the Hell?! Dammit I just messed this whole thing up!! His eyebrow twitched in annoyance. "Really? Thanks, I do try my best, especially with Kyoya watching my every move I get nervous," you say looking at the ground, cheeks tinted pink.

"Well I think Honey is still waiting for his cake, so we better get back insi-" "What I really meant to say was I love you, (Name)! Will you go on a date with me?!" At this you continued to stare at him in eerie silence, mouth a gap in shock. Kasanoda swallowed, waiting for your response.

His words replayed in your mind over and over, until you suddenly leaped forward and wrapped your arms around Kasanoda's neck, giggling, "So the twins were right after all~!" You coo.

"W-what do you mean..?"

"Hikaru and Kaoru were spreading rumors in the Host Club about you having feelings for me, but I didn't really believe them. Oh I'm so glad they're true, because I love you, too!"

The next thing he knew, your lips was pressed against his in a sweet kiss. Kasanoda slowly kissed back, is this a dream? If it is don't ever wake me up.. your fingers tangled into Kasanoda's hair as he held your waist, you both smiling.

You pulled away and lowered yourself, as you were on your toes, and turned toward the door. "I'm free this Friday after school, don't be late~" and with that, you left a dazed Kasanoda standing in the empty corridor, grinning to himself.

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