38. Passionfruit Panna Cotta

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We made our way down the stairs inside the Hall and relaxed visibly when we noticed that everyone had just assembled. The assistant producer stood behind the crowd of contestants. Upon noticing us, he broke out into a huge grin. Brandon's hand tightened around mine, I knew he was still miffed about it. With a deep breath, I gave the producer a slight nod. He returned it with an eager one, checking off our name from the list. He went away after that. We were the last to arrive.

Bella was at the back with Giulia and we joined them. She gave me a smile which I returned a second later, still not used to see her like that. Someone coughed behind us and Sarah came into view. Before she could open her mouth, director called attention, and a hush fell over the crowd.

"Thank you for assembling here. I am sure you all received the message last night," he said, and I snorted, not too loud though. "Matt has something to say to you all."

I craned my neck as our judge Matt came into view. He looked ashen, and even the cakey foundation didn't hide the dark circles under his eyes. The death must have taken a heavy toll on him and I wondered who had died. Not that I could ask anyone right now.

"Um..." There was a silence as we waited for him to speak. "I apologize to everyone; specially the staff here and the contestants. Due to a family emergency, I will leave tomorrow. Thank you for being supportive and shifting the competition, even though it was hard. Also, after today I won't be able to continue as your judge. Hope you can take care of me until then."

I pouted, biting my inner cheek. I thought he would be back after tomorrow so it was a disappointment to hear that it won't happen. This could be the last time we see him. My head hung low, and I took in a deep breath. It was hard for everyone and Brandon held my hand throughout. A few more pleasantries from the other judges and then the Director took over.

"We start in five minutes. Please take your positions!" he shouted, and we all shuffled away at his command. Brandon and I took a random spot, Bella kept close to us, taking the adjacent table. Sarah raised her eyebrows in a jesting manner, pointing towards Bella. I shook my head and shrugged.

The intro started, and we breezed through the introductions. My stomach churned as the time to announce the task came closer. My sniffing was still a distraction, and I hoped to keep my sneezing spree at bay.

"For this round, the trust and understanding between you and your partner would be tested," Tony spoke.

Brandon and I shared a look.

"This new segment emphasizes the motto of the competition, 'Love Never Grows Apart'," he continued, and I wondered what sort of insane task we'll be assigned to do today. "Each team will choose one ingredient from these."

He pointed to the long table where lines of boxes sat. I blinked hard to focus through my heavy eyelids. "You have to make one dessert with one and half an hour of cooking time. But, the catch is you cannot discuss what you will cook with your partners."

There was an expected intake of sharp breath from everyone. Brandon and I shared yet another look.

"First forty-five minutes of the cooking will be done by our main competitors. In the second half your teammates will cook. The team to produce the best dish will earn another of these safety badges. Bottom eight dishes will compete for survival, and the worst four will leave the competition."

It took me a moment to understand what he was going on about, but when I did, only one thought prevailed.

We were doomed.

I pursed my lips and took a deep breath. The problems lined up in my head like humongous mountains and I pondered on them.

Problem number one, we couldn't discuss the dish. Therefore, there was no way Brandon would know what I was cooking unless the ingredients were obvious, and the dish was simple. Which, if we wanted to win, could not be simple.

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